100523: [AtCoder]ABC052 D - Walk and Teleport

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Score : $500$ points

Problem Statement

There are $N$ towns on a line running east-west. The towns are numbered $1$ through $N$, in order from west to east. Each point on the line has a one-dimensional coordinate, and a point that is farther east has a greater coordinate value. The coordinate of town $i$ is $X_i$.

You are now at town $1$, and you want to visit all the other towns. You have two ways to travel:

  • Walk on the line. Your fatigue level increases by $A$ each time you travel a distance of $1$, regardless of direction.

  • Teleport to any location of your choice. Your fatigue level increases by $B$, regardless of the distance covered.

Find the minimum possible total increase of your fatigue level when you visit all the towns in these two ways.


  • All input values are integers.
  • $2≤N≤10^5$
  • $1≤X_i≤10^9$
  • For all $i(1≤i≤N-1)$, $X_i<X_{i+1}$.
  • $1≤A≤10^9$
  • $1≤B≤10^9$


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $A$ $B$
$X_1$ $X_2$ $...$ $X_N$


Print the minimum possible total increase of your fatigue level when you visit all the towns.

Sample Input 1

4 2 5
1 2 5 7

Sample Output 1


From town $1$, walk a distance of $1$ to town $2$, then teleport to town $3$, then walk a distance of $2$ to town $4$. The total increase of your fatigue level in this case is $2×1+5+2×2=11$, which is the minimum possible value.

Sample Input 2

7 1 100
40 43 45 105 108 115 124

Sample Output 2


From town $1$, walk all the way to town $7$. The total increase of your fatigue level in this case is $84$, which is the minimum possible value.

Sample Input 3

7 1 2
24 35 40 68 72 99 103

Sample Output 3


Visit all the towns in any order by teleporting six times. The total increase of your fatigue level in this case is $12$, which is the minimum possible value.



在东西方向延伸的直线上,有N个城市。城市坐标按从西到东递增。 你现在在某个城市里,想去其他所有的城市。移动的方法有以下两种。 一,在直线上按东西方向平移,每移动一个单位距离疲劳值加A 二,直接瞬移到某个坐标,并且疲劳值加B 请使用以上两种方式直到去完其他所有的城市,并求出最小的疲劳值。 **输入输出格式** 输入格式: 第一行三个数,即N,A,B, 第二行N个数,即X[1],X[2]...,X[N]。 输出格式: 输出最小的疲劳值。 **说明** 2<=N<=1e5 1<=Xi,A,B<=1e9且X(i)<X(i+1)

