100593: [AtCoder]ABC059 D - Alice&Brown

Memory Limit:256 MB Time Limit:2 S
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Score : $500$ points

Problem Statement

Alice and Brown loves games. Today, they will play the following game.

In this game, there are two piles initially consisting of $X$ and $Y$ stones, respectively. Alice and Bob alternately perform the following operation, starting from Alice:

  • Take $2i$ stones from one of the piles. Then, throw away $i$ of them, and put the remaining $i$ in the other pile. Here, the integer $i$ $(1≤i)$ can be freely chosen as long as there is a sufficient number of stones in the pile.

The player who becomes unable to perform the operation, loses the game.

Given $X$ and $Y$, determine the winner of the game, assuming that both players play optimally.


  • $0 ≤ X, Y ≤ 10^{18}$


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$X$ $Y$


Print the winner: either Alice or Brown.

Sample Input 1

2 1

Sample Output 1


Alice can do nothing but taking two stones from the pile containing two stones. As a result, the piles consist of zero and two stones, respectively. Then, Brown will take the two stones, and the piles will consist of one and zero stones, respectively. Alice will be unable to perform the operation anymore, which means Brown's victory.

Sample Input 2

5 0

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

0 0

Sample Output 3


Sample Input 4

4 8

Sample Output 4




大意: 现有两堆石子,Alice和Brown以此进行游戏,规则如下: * `Alice先手`,两方分别按照`回合制`取石子 * 每个人每回合可以任意从任一堆中取出`2的倍数个`石子(前提是该堆里有这么多石子),扔掉其中的一半,将另一半放入另一堆中。 * 当一方`无法进行取石子操作`时视作此方失败。 现给出石子数量n,m$(0≤n,m≤10^{18})$,请你输出胜方名称(Alice|Brown)。

