100613: [AtCoder]ABC061 D - Score Attack

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Score : $400$ points

Problem Statement

There is a directed graph with $N$ vertices and $M$ edges. The $i$-th edge $(1≤i≤M)$ points from vertex $a_i$ to vertex $b_i$, and has a weight $c_i$. We will play the following single-player game using this graph and a piece.

Initially, the piece is placed at vertex $1$, and the score of the player is set to $0$. The player can move the piece as follows:

  • When the piece is placed at vertex $a_i$, move the piece along the $i$-th edge to vertex $b_i$. After this move, the score of the player is increased by $c_i$.

The player can end the game only when the piece is placed at vertex $N$. The given graph guarantees that it is possible to traverse from vertex $1$ to vertex $N$.

When the player acts optimally to maximize the score at the end of the game, what will the score be? If it is possible to increase the score indefinitely, print inf.


  • $2≤N≤1000$
  • $1≤M≤min(N(N-1),2000)$
  • $1≤a_i,b_i≤N (1≤i≤M)$
  • $a_i≠b_i (1≤i≤M)$
  • $a_i≠a_j$ or $b_i≠b_j (1≤i<j≤M)$
  • $-10^9≤c_i≤10^9 (1≤i≤M)$
  • $c_i$ is an integer.
  • In the given graph, there exists a path from vertex $1$ to vertex $N$.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $M$  
$a_1$ $b_1$ $c_1$  
$a_2$ $b_2$ $c_2$
$a_M$ $b_M$ $c_M$  


Print the maximum possible score at the end of the game, if it is finite. If it is possible to increase the score indefinitely, print inf.

Sample Input 1

3 3
1 2 4
2 3 3
1 3 5

Sample Output 1


There are two ways to move the piece to vertex $N=3$:

  • vertex $1$ → vertex $2$ → vertex $3$ : score $4+3=7$
  • vertex $1$ → vertex $3$ : score $5$

Thus, the maximum possible score at the end of the game is $7$.

Sample Input 2

2 2
1 2 1
2 1 1

Sample Output 2


It is possible to increase the score indefinitely by alternating between vertex $1$ and $2$.

Sample Input 3

6 5
1 2 -1000000000
2 3 -1000000000
3 4 -1000000000
4 5 -1000000000
5 6 -1000000000

Sample Output 3




给定一个有 $n$ 个点和 $m$ 条边的简单有向图。其中第 $i$ 条边从点 $a_i$ 连向点 $b_i$ ,且具有权值 $c_i$。 我们在图上进行以下游戏。一开始,一个棋子被放置在点 $1$ 。玩家可以进行如下操作: - 当棋子位于点 $a_i$ 时,可以通过边 $i$ 将棋子移动到点 $b_i$ ,且让分数增加 $c_i$。 当棋子位于点 $n$ 时,玩家可以选择让游戏结束。假设玩家一直按最优策略操作,求出游戏结束后可以增加分数的最大值。如果分数可以无限增加,输出 `inf` 。


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