100701: [AtCoder]ABC070 B - Two Switches

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Score : $200$ points

Problem Statement

Alice and Bob are controlling a robot. They each have one switch that controls the robot.
Alice started holding down her button $A$ second after the start-up of the robot, and released her button $B$ second after the start-up.
Bob started holding down his button $C$ second after the start-up, and released his button $D$ second after the start-up.
For how many seconds both Alice and Bob were holding down their buttons?


  • $0≤A<B≤100$
  • $0≤C<D≤100$
  • All input values are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$A$ $B$ $C$ $D$


Print the length of the duration (in seconds) in which both Alice and Bob were holding down their buttons.

Sample Input 1

0 75 25 100

Sample Output 1


Alice started holding down her button $0$ second after the start-up of the robot, and released her button $75$ second after the start-up.
Bob started holding down his button $25$ second after the start-up, and released his button $100$ second after the start-up.
Therefore, the time when both of them were holding down their buttons, is the $50$ seconds from $25$ seconds after the start-up to $75$ seconds after the start-up.

Sample Input 2

0 33 66 99

Sample Output 2


Alice and Bob were not holding their buttons at the same time, so the answer is zero seconds.

Sample Input 3

10 90 20 80

Sample Output 3




## 题目描述 Alice和Bob都有一个开关用来控制机器人。 Alice在A秒按下开关,移动机器人,并在B秒后释放开关。 Bob在C秒按下开关,移动机器人,并在D秒后释放开关。 求Alice和Bob都按下开关的秒数。 ## 输入格式 一行,有四个正整数A,B,C,D。分别代表Alice在第A秒按下开关,在第B秒释放开关。Bob在第C秒按下开关,在第D秒释放开关。 ## 输出格式 输出Alice和Bob都按下开关的秒数


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