100741: [AtCoder]ABC074 B - Collecting Balls (Easy Version)

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Score : $200$ points

Problem Statement

There are $N$ balls in the $xy$-plane. The coordinates of the $i$-th of them is $(x_i, i)$. Thus, we have one ball on each of the $N$ lines $y = 1$, $y = 2$, $...$, $y = N$.

In order to collect these balls, Snuke prepared $2N$ robots, $N$ of type A and $N$ of type B. Then, he placed the $i$-th type-A robot at coordinates $(0, i)$, and the $i$-th type-B robot at coordinates $(K, i)$. Thus, now we have one type-A robot and one type-B robot on each of the $N$ lines $y = 1$, $y = 2$, $...$, $y = N$.

When activated, each type of robot will operate as follows.

  • When a type-A robot is activated at coordinates $(0, a)$, it will move to the position of the ball on the line $y = a$, collect the ball, move back to its original position $(0, a)$ and deactivate itself. If there is no such ball, it will just deactivate itself without doing anything.

  • When a type-B robot is activated at coordinates $(K, b)$, it will move to the position of the ball on the line $y = b$, collect the ball, move back to its original position $(K, b)$ and deactivate itself. If there is no such ball, it will just deactivate itself without doing anything.

Snuke will activate some of the $2N$ robots to collect all of the balls. Find the minimum possible total distance covered by robots.


  • $1 \leq N \leq 100$
  • $1 \leq K \leq 100$
  • $0 < x_i < K$
  • All input values are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$x_1$ $x_2$ $...$ $x_N$


Print the minimum possible total distance covered by robots.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


There are just one ball, one type-A robot and one type-B robot.

If the type-A robot is used to collect the ball, the distance from the robot to the ball is $2$, and the distance from the ball to the original position of the robot is also $2$, for a total distance of $4$.

Similarly, if the type-B robot is used, the total distance covered will be $16$.

Thus, the total distance covered will be minimized when the type-A robot is used. The output should be $4$.

Sample Input 2

3 6

Sample Output 2


The total distance covered will be minimized when the first ball is collected by the type-A robot, and the second ball by the type-B robot.

Sample Input 3

11 12 9 17 12

Sample Output 3




有一个N*K的平台,每一行0和K的坐标上都有一个机器人,第i行有一个位于坐标xi的球。机器人收到启动指令之后,如果该行还有球,就移动到球的位置,捡起球,再回到原来的位置;如果该行的球被另一个机器人抢了,就原地不动。请你安排2*N个机器人的启动顺序,使得机器人总移动距离最短。 输入 一行一个整数N。 一行一个整数K。 一行N个整数x_1~x_n。 输出 一行一个整数,最短移动距离。 数据范围 1<=N<=100 1<=K<=100 0<x_i<K 输入数据都是整数。 Translated by @yyhhenry


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