101042: [AtCoder]ABC104 C - All Green

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Score : $300$ points

Problem Statement

A programming competition site AtCode provides algorithmic problems. Each problem is allocated a score based on its difficulty. Currently, for each integer $i$ between $1$ and $D$ (inclusive), there are $p_i$ problems with a score of $100i$ points. These $p_1 + … + p_D$ problems are all of the problems available on AtCode.

A user of AtCode has a value called total score. The total score of a user is the sum of the following two elements:

  • Base score: the sum of the scores of all problems solved by the user.
  • Perfect bonuses: when a user solves all problems with a score of $100i$ points, he/she earns the perfect bonus of $c_i$ points, aside from the base score $(1 ≤ i ≤ D)$.

Takahashi, who is the new user of AtCode, has not solved any problem. His objective is to have a total score of $G$ or more points. At least how many problems does he need to solve for this objective?


  • $1 ≤ D ≤ 10$
  • $1 ≤ p_i ≤ 100$
  • $100 ≤ c_i ≤ 10^6$
  • $100 ≤ G$
  • All values in input are integers.
  • $c_i$ and $G$ are all multiples of $100$.
  • It is possible to have a total score of $G$ or more points.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$D$ $G$
$p_1$ $c_1$
$p_D$ $c_D$


Print the minimum number of problems that needs to be solved in order to have a total score of $G$ or more points. Note that this objective is always achievable (see Constraints).

Sample Input 1

2 700
3 500
5 800

Sample Output 1


In this case, there are three problems each with $100$ points and five problems each with $200$ points. The perfect bonus for solving all the $100$-point problems is $500$ points, and the perfect bonus for solving all the $200$-point problems is $800$ points. Takahashi's objective is to have a total score of $700$ points or more.

One way to achieve this objective is to solve four $200$-point problems and earn a base score of $800$ points. However, if we solve three $100$-point problems, we can earn the perfect bonus of $500$ points in addition to the base score of $300$ points, for a total score of $800$ points, and we can achieve the objective with fewer problems.

Sample Input 2

2 2000
3 500
5 800

Sample Output 2


This case is similar to Sample Input 1, but the Takahashi's objective this time is $2000$ points or more. In this case, we inevitably need to solve all five $200$-point problems, and by solving two $100$-point problems additionally we have the total score of $2000$ points.

Sample Input 3

2 400
3 500
5 800

Sample Output 3


This case is again similar to Sample Input 1, but the Takahashi's objective this time is $400$ points or more. In this case, we only need to solve two $200$-point problems to achieve the objective.

Sample Input 4

5 25000
20 1000
40 1000
50 1000
30 1000
1 1000

Sample Output 4


There is only one $500$-point problem, but the perfect bonus can be earned even in such a case.



有 $D$ 套题目,难度从 $1$ 到 $D$ ,第 $i$ 套题目有 $p_i$ 道,分值均为 $i \times 100$,全部做完再奖励 $c_i$ 分,求至少拿到 $G$ 分至少要刷多少道题?


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