101311: [AtCoder]ABC131 B - Bite Eating

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Score : $200$ points

Problem Statement

You have $N$ apples, called Apple $1$, Apple $2$, Apple $3$, ..., Apple $N$. The flavor of Apple $i$ is $L+i-1$, which can be negative.

You can make an apple pie using one or more of the apples. The flavor of the apple pie will be the sum of the flavors of the apples used.

You planned to make an apple pie using all of the apples, but being hungry tempts you to eat one of them, which can no longer be used to make the apple pie.

You want to make an apple pie that is as similar as possible to the one that you planned to make. Thus, you will choose the apple to eat so that the flavor of the apple pie made of the remaining $N-1$ apples will have the smallest possible absolute difference from the flavor of the apple pie made of all the $N$ apples.

Find the flavor of the apple pie made of the remaining $N-1$ apples when you choose the apple to eat as above.

We can prove that this value is uniquely determined.


  • $2 \leq N \leq 200$
  • $-100 \leq L \leq 100$
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $L$


Find the flavor of the apple pie made of the remaining $N-1$ apples when you optimally choose the apple to eat.

Sample Input 1

5 2

Sample Output 1


The flavors of Apple $1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, and $5$ are $2$, $3$, $4$, $5$, and $6$, respectively. The optimal choice is to eat Apple $1$, so the answer is $3+4+5+6=18$.

Sample Input 2

3 -1

Sample Output 2


The flavors of Apple $1$, $2$, and $3$ are $-1$, $0$, and $1$, respectively. The optimal choice is to eat Apple $2$, so the answer is $(-1)+1=0$.

Sample Input 3

30 -50

Sample Output 3




有 $ N $ 个苹果。苹果 $ i $ 的“味道”是 $ L+i-1 $ 。“味道”也有可能是负的。 你可以用一个以上的苹果来制作苹果派。苹果派的“味道”是作为苹果的“味道”的总和。 因为肚子饿了,所以你吃了一个苹果。吃下去的苹果不能作为苹果派的材料。 想要尽量做出与预定的苹果派相同,即用没吃的 $ N-1 $ 个苹果做出的苹果派的“味道”要与用全部 $ N $ 个苹果做出的苹果派的“味道”的绝对值的差尽可能小。 吃掉选出的最合适苹果,计算以未吃的 $ N-1 $ 个苹果做出的苹果派的“味道”。 另外,可以证明这个值是唯一确定的。

