102464: [AtCoder]ABC246 E - Bishop 2

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Score : $500$ points

Problem Statement

We have an $N \times N$ chessboard. Let $(i, j)$ denote the square at the $i$-th row from the top and $j$-th column from the left of this board.
The board is described by $N$ strings $S_i$.
The $j$-th character of the string $S_i$, $S_{i,j}$, means the following.

  • If $S_{i,j}=$ ., the square $(i, j)$ is empty.
  • If $S_{i,j}=$ #, the square $(i, j)$ is occupied by a white pawn, which cannot be moved or removed.

We have put a white bishop on the square $(A_x, A_y)$.
Find the minimum number of moves needed to move this bishop from $(A_x, A_y)$ to $(B_x, B_y)$ according to the rules of chess (see Notes).
If it cannot be moved to $(B_x, B_y)$, report -1 instead.


A white bishop on the square $(i, j)$ can go to the following positions in one move.

  • For each positive integer $d$, it can go to $(i+d,j+d)$ if all of the conditions are satisfied.

    • The square $(i+d,j+d)$ exists in the board.
    • For every positive integer $l \le d$, $(i+l,j+l)$ is not occupied by a white pawn.
  • For each positive integer $d$, it can go to $(i+d,j-d)$ if all of the conditions are satisfied.

    • The square $(i+d,j-d)$ exists in the board.
    • For every positive integer $l \le d$, $(i+l,j-l)$ is not occupied by a white pawn.
  • For each positive integer $d$, it can go to $(i-d,j+d)$ if all of the conditions are satisfied.

    • The square $(i-d,j+d)$ exists in the board.
    • For every positive integer $l \le d$, $(i-l,j+l)$ is not occupied by a white pawn.
  • For each positive integer $d$, it can go to $(i-d,j-d)$ if all of the conditions are satisfied.

    • The square $(i-d,j-d)$ exists in the board.
    • For every positive integer $l \le d$, $(i-l,j-l)$ is not occupied by a white pawn.


  • $2 \le N \le 1500$
  • $1 \le A_x,A_y \le N$
  • $1 \le B_x,B_y \le N$
  • $(A_x,A_y) \neq (B_x,B_y)$
  • $S_i$ is a string of length $N$ consisting of . and #.
  • $S_{A_x,A_y}=$ .
  • $S_{B_x,B_y}=$ .


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$A_x$ $A_y$
$B_x$ $B_y$


Print the answer.

Sample Input 1

1 3
3 5

Sample Output 1


We can move the bishop from $(1,3)$ to $(3,5)$ in three moves as follows, but not in two or fewer moves.

  • $(1,3) \rightarrow (2,2) \rightarrow (4,4) \rightarrow (3,5)$

Sample Input 2

3 2
4 2

Sample Output 2


There is no way to move the bishop from $(3,2)$ to $(4,2)$.

Sample Input 3

18 1
1 18

Sample Output 3




给定有障碍的网格图,`.` 为空地,`#` 为障碍。给定起点终点,每次移动仅可以斜向走任意长度,问从起点到终点的最少移动次数,可能无解,无解输出 `-1`。


分数:500分 在比赛期间,内存限制设置为2GB。然而,由于评审环境的变更,内存限制现在已更改为1GB。请注意,已经确认解决方案仍可以在这个内存限制内实现可接受的完成(AC)。 问题描述 我们有一个$N \times N$的国际象棋棋盘。让$(i, j)$表示棋盘从上数第$i$行,从左数第$j$列的格子。 棋盘由$N$个字符串$S_i$描述。 字符串$S_i$的第$j$个字符,$S_{i,j}$,表示以下内容。 - 如果$S_{i,j}=$.,格子$(i, j)$为空。 - 如果$S_{i,j}=$#,格子$(i, j)$被一个白色的兵占领,它不能移动或移除。 我们在格子$(A_x, A_y)$上放置了一个白色的象。 根据国际象棋的规则(见注释),找出将这个象从$(A_x, A_y)$移动到$(B_x, B_y)$所需的最少移动次数。如果无法移动到$(B_x, B_y)$,则报告-1。 注释 一个在$(i, j)$的白色的可以一步移动到以下位置。 - 对于每个正整数$d$,如果所有条件都满足,它可以移动到$(i+d,j+d)$。 - 格子$(i+d,j+d)$在棋盘上存在。 - 对于每个小于等于$d$的正整数$l$,$(i+l,j+l)$不被白色的兵占领。 - 对于每个正整数$d$,如果所有条件都满足,它可以移动到$(i+d,j-d)$。 - 格子$(i+d,j-d)$在棋盘上存在。 - 对于每个小于等于$d$的正整数$l$,$(i+l,j-l)$不被白色的兵占领。 - 对于每个正整数$d$,如果所有条件都满足,它可以移动到$(i-d,j+d)$。 - 格子$(i-d,j+d)$在棋盘上存在。 - 对于每个小于等于$d$的正整数$l$,$(i-l,j+l)$不被白色的兵占领。 - 对于每个正整数$d$,如果所有条件都满足,它可以移动到$(i-d,j-d)$。 - 格子$(i-d,j-d)$在棋盘上存在。 - 对于每个小于等于$d$的正整数$l$,$(i-l,j-l)$不被白色的兵占领。 约束 - $2 \le N \le 1500$ - $1 \le A_x,A_y \le N$ - $1 \le B_x,B_y \le N$ - $(A_x,A_y) \neq (B_x,B_y)$ - $S_i$是一个由.#组成的长度为$N$的字符串。 - $S_{A_x,A_y}=$. - $S_{B_x,B_y}=$. 输入 输入通过标准输入以以下格式给出: $N$ $A_x$ $A_y$ $B_x$ $B_y$ $S_1$ $S_2$ $\vdots$ $S_N$ 输出 打印答案。 样例输入 1 5 1 3 3 5 ....# ...#. .....

