200942: [AtCoder]ARC094 E - Tozan and Gezan

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Score : $700$ points

Problem Statement

You are given sequences $A$ and $B$ consisting of non-negative integers. The lengths of both $A$ and $B$ are $N$, and the sums of the elements in $A$ and $B$ are equal. The $i$-th element in $A$ is $A_i$, and the $i$-th element in $B$ is $B_i$.

Tozan and Gezan repeats the following sequence of operations:

  • If $A$ and $B$ are equal sequences, terminate the process.
  • Otherwise, first Tozan chooses a positive element in $A$ and decrease it by $1$.
  • Then, Gezan chooses a positive element in $B$ and decrease it by $1$.
  • Then, give one candy to Takahashi, their pet.

Tozan wants the number of candies given to Takahashi until the process is terminated to be as large as possible, while Gezan wants it to be as small as possible. Find the number of candies given to Takahashi when both of them perform the operations optimally.


  • $1 \leq N \leq 2 × 10^5$
  • $0 \leq A_i,B_i \leq 10^9(1\leq i\leq N)$
  • The sums of the elements in $A$ and $B$ are equal.
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$A_1$ $B_1$
$A_N$ $B_N$


Print the number of candies given to Takahashi when both Tozan and Gezan perform the operations optimally.

Sample Input 1

1 2
3 2

Sample Output 1


When both Tozan and Gezan perform the operations optimally, the process will proceed as follows:

  • Tozan decreases $A_1$ by $1$.
  • Gezan decreases $B_1$ by $1$.
  • One candy is given to Takahashi.
  • Tozan decreases $A_2$ by $1$.
  • Gezan decreases $B_1$ by $1$.
  • One candy is given to Takahashi.
  • As $A$ and $B$ are equal, the process is terminated.

Sample Input 2

8 3
0 1
4 8

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

1 1

Sample Output 3




有两个数组,他们数据个数和总和均相等。两个人进行如下操作: 1. 若两个数组相等,则停止操作。 2. 第一个人在 $a$ 数组任选一个数,将其 $-1$ 。 2. 第二个人在 $b$ 数组任选一个数,将其 $-1$ 。 第一个人想尽可能的增加操作次数,第二个人想尽可能的减少操作次数。求在最优情况下的操作次数。 数列长度 $\leq 2\times 10^5$,$1\leq a_i,b_i\leq 10^9$。


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