201085: [AtCoder]ARC108 F - Paint Tree

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Score : $900$ points

Problem Statement

Given is a tree with $N$ vertices numbered $1$ to $N$, and $N-1$ edges numbered $1$ to $N-1$. Edge $i$ connects Vertex $a_i$ and $b_i$ bidirectionally and has a length of $1$.

Snuke will paint each vertex white or black. The niceness of a way of painting the graph is $\max(X, Y)$, where $X$ is the maximum among the distances between white vertices, and $Y$ is the maximum among the distances between black vertices. Here, if there is no vertex of one color, we consider the maximum among the distances between vertices of that color to be $0$.

There are $2^N$ ways of painting the graph. Compute the sum of the nicenesses of all those ways, modulo $(10^{9}+7)$.


  • $2 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^{5}$
  • $1 \leq a_i, b_i \leq N$
  • The given graph is a tree.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$a_1$ $b_1$
$a_{N-1}$ $b_{N-1}$


Print the sum of the nicenesses of the ways of painting the graph, modulo $(10^{9}+7)$.

Sample Input 1

1 2

Sample Output 1

  • If we paint Vertex $1$ and $2$ the same color, the niceness will be $1$; if we paint them different colors, the niceness will be $0$.
  • The sum of those nicenesses is $2$.

Sample Input 2

1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
3 6

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

25 4
33 7
11 26
32 4
12 7
31 27
19 6
10 22
17 12
28 24
28 1
24 15
30 24
24 11
23 18
14 15
4 29
33 24
15 34
11 3
4 35
5 34
34 2
16 19
7 18
19 31
22 8
13 26
20 6
20 9
4 33
4 8
29 19
15 21

Sample Output 3

  • Be sure to compute the sum modulo $(10^{9}+7)$.



给定一棵 $n$ 个节点的树。你需要对每个节点黑白染色。 设 $x$ 表示白色点之间的最大距离,$y$ 表示黑色点之间的最大距离,那么定义一种染色的权值为 $\max(x,y)$。如果某种颜色没有出现那么对应的 $x/y$ 就是 $0$。 求所有 $2^n$ 种染色方式的权值和。对 $10^9+7$ 取模。 $\texttt{Data Range:} 2\le n\le 2\times 10^5$。


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