201215: [AtCoder]ARC121 F - Logical Operations on Tree

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Score : $800$ points

Problem Statement

Given is a tree with $N$ vertices numbered $1$ through $N$.

The $i$-th edge connects Vertices $a_i$ and $b_i$.

Snuke will label each vertex with 0 or 1 and each edge with AND or OR. Among the $2^{2N-1}$ ways to label the vertices and edges, find the number of ways that satisfy the following condition, modulo $998244353$.

Condition: There exists a sequence of $N-1$ operations ending up with one vertex labeled 1, where each operation consists of the steps below.

  • Choose one edge and contract it. Here, let $x$ and $y$ be the labels of the erased vertices and $\mathrm{op}$ be the label of the erased edge.
  • If $\mathrm{op}$ is AND, label the new vertex with $\mathrm{AND}(x,y)$; if $\mathrm{op}$ is OR, label the new vertex with $\mathrm{OR}(x,y)$.


  • The operation $\mathrm{AND}$ is defined as follows: $\mathrm{AND}(0,0)=(0,1)=(1,0)=0,\mathrm{AND}(1,1)=1$.
  • The operation $\mathrm{OR}$ is defined as follows: $\mathrm{OR}(1,1)=(0,1)=(1,0)=1,\mathrm{OR}(0,0)=0$.
  • When contracting the edge connecting Vertex $s$ and Vertex $t$, we merge the two vertices while removing that edge. After the contraction, there is an edge connecting the new vertex and vertex $u$ if and only if there was an edge connecting $s$ and $u$ or connecting $t$ and $u$ before the contraction.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • $2 \leq N \leq 10^{5}$
  • $1 \leq a_i, b_i \leq N$
  • The given graph is a tree.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$a_1$ $b_1$
$a_{N-1}$ $b_{N-1}$


Print the number of ways to label the tree that satisfy the condition in Problem Statement, modulo $998244353$.

Sample Input 1

1 2

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

7 3
20 18
16 12
7 2
10 5
18 16
16 3
4 11
7 15
8 1
6 1
12 13
15 5
19 17
7 1
9 8
7 17
16 14
11 7

Sample Output 2

  • Remember to print the count modulo $998244353$.



给定一棵树,给每个点填 $0$ 或 $1$,给每条边填 $\text{AND}$ 或 $\text{OR}$,在所有 $2^{n+n-1}$ 种填法中,计数有多少种满足存在一种缩边的顺序,使得每次把一条边的两个端点缩成一个点,权为原端点与边的运算值,最终点的权为 $1$。


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