201324: [AtCoder]ARC132 E - Paw

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Score : $800$ points

Problem Statement

There are $n$ squares arranged in a row. Each square has a left- or right-pointing footprint or a hole. The initial state of each square is described by a string $s$ consisting of ., <, >. If the $i$-th character of $s$ is ., the $i$-th square from the left has a hole; if that character is <, that square has a left-pointing footprint; if that character is >, that square has a right-pointing footprint.

Snuke, the cat, will repeat the following procedure until there is no more square with a hole.

  • Step $1$: Choose one square with a hole randomly with equal probability.
  • Step $2$: Fill the hole in the chosen square, stand there, and face to the left or right randomly with equal probability.
  • Step $3$: Keep walking in the direction Snuke is facing until he steps on a square with a hole or exits the row of squares.

Here, the choices of squares and directions are independent of each other.

When Snuke walks on a square (without a hole), that square gets a footprint in the direction he walks in. If the square already has a footprint, it gets erased and replaced by a new one. For example, in the situation >.<><.><, if Snuke chooses the $6$-th square from the left and faces to the left, the $6$-th, $5$-th, $4$-th, $3$-rd squares get left-pointing footprints: >.<<<<><.

Find the expected value of the number of left-pointing footprints when Snuke finishes the procedures, modulo $998244353$.


When the sought expected value is represented as an irreducible fraction $p/q$, there uniquely exists an integer $r$ such that $rq\equiv p ~(\text{mod } 998244353)$ and $0 \leq r \lt 998244353$ under the Constraints of this problem. This $r$ is the value to be found.


  • $1 \leq n \leq 10^5$
  • $s$ is a string of length $n$ consisting of ., <, >.
  • $s$ contains at least one ..


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the expected value of the number of left-pointing footprints, modulo $998244353$.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


In Step $1$, Snuke always chooses the only square with a hole.

If Snuke faces to the left in Step $2$, the squares become <<<<<, where $5$ squares have left-pointing footprints.

If Snuke faces to the right in Step $2$, the squares become ><>>>, where $1$ square has a left-pointing footprint.

Therefore, the answer is $\frac{5+1}{2}=3$.

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2




有 $n$ 个方块排列在一排。每个正方形都有一个向左或向右的脚印或一个洞,以 $<,>,.$ 表示。 Snuke,将重复下面的程序,直到不再有一个有洞的方块。 1. 以相等的概率随机选择一个有洞的正方形。 2. 填上所选正方形的洞,站在那里,并以相同的概率随机面向左边或右边。 3. 沿着Snuke所面对的方向一直走,直到他踩到一个有洞的方块或离开这排方块。 这里,方块和方向的选择是相互独立的。 当 Snuke 踩到一个方块(没有洞)时,该方块在他行走的方向上会有一个脚印。如果该方块已经有了一个脚印,那么它就会被抹去并被一个新的脚印取代。 当Snuke完成这些程序时,求向左的脚印数量的预期值。 - $n\leq10^5$

