201515: [AtCoder]ARC151 F - RGB Card Game

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Score : $1000$ points

Problem Statement

Takahashi and Aoki will play a game against each other using cards in three colors: red, green, and blue.

Initially, Takahashi has $R_1$ red, $G_1$ green, and $B_1$ blue cards, and Aoki has $R_2$ red, $G_2$ green, and $B_2$ blue cards in their hands. Each player knows the hands of both players. The game starts with Takahashi on offense and Aoki on defense, and repeats the process below.

  1. First, the player on offense plays an arbitrary card from his hand.
  2. Then, the player on defense either plays a card with the same color from his hand, or does nothing. If a card is played, the players switch between offense and defense.

The first player to have zero cards in his hand wins the game. Determine the winner when both players adopt the optimal strategy for their own victory.

For each input file, solve $T$ independent test cases.


  • $1 \leq T \leq 10^5$
  • $0 \leq R_1, G_1, B_1, R_2, G_2, B_2 \leq 10^{18}$
  • $R_1 + G_1 + B_1 \geq 1$
  • $R_2 + G_2 + B_2 \geq 1$
  • All values in the input are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


Each test case is in the following format:

$R_1$ $G_1$ $B_1$ $R_2$ $G_2$ $B_2$


For each test case, print Takahashi if Takahashi wins, and Aoki if Aoki wins.

Sample Input 1

1 1 1 0 1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 3 2 1
1 0 1 0 1 0
1000000000000000000 1000000000000000000 1000000000000000000 1000000000000000000 1000000000000000000 1000000000000000000
711741968710511023 863182190136397525 935042422763027373 565732706644706921 453428280447672223 188382995979861200
166020598057882490 762504522442931582 957390622951053643 932567512152300679 473764934043971365 82803157126515469
895348321962139989 376963632541282296 624486091834022571 175064808312523035 217537722506696493 203742827664922704
802346905414720749 973713209304621356 275109783325269828 588060532191410837 516874290286751783 747001196732741840
539971830806602684 270896673960719346 124580938028911221 18175990488280605 360214649380675201 155957964634289774

Sample Output 1


For the first test case, here is one possible progression of the game.

  1. Takahashi, who is on offense, plays a red card.
  2. Aoki, who is on defense, responds by doing nothing. (Since he has no red cards, this is the only choice.)
  3. Takahashi, who is on offense, plays a green card.
  4. Aoki, who is on defense, responds by playing a green card. The players switch between offense and defense.
  5. Aoki, who is on offense, plays a blue card.
  6. Takahashi, who is on defense, responds by playing a blue card.
  7. Takahashi is the first player to have zero cards in his hand, so he wins.



## 题目描述 高桥君和青木君正在使用 红(R)、绿(G)、蓝(L) 三种颜色的卡片进行游戏。 游戏开始时,高桥君有三种颜色的卡片 $ R_1,\ G_1,\ B_1 $ 枚,青木君有三种颜色的卡片 $ R_2,\ G_2,\ B_2 $ 枚。双方互相知道对方的卡牌数量。游戏开始时,高桥君进攻,青木君防守,并重复以下过程: 1. 进攻方首先从手牌中任意挑一张牌打出。 2. 然后防守方选择打出一张与这张牌颜色相同的牌或者不出,如果防守方选择出牌,则双方呼唤身份,否则进攻方继续出牌。 先出完牌的玩家获胜,你需要确定在两人都以最优策略来进行游戏时,游戏的胜者。 ### 注意:本题有 $ T $ 组数据需要输出答案。 ## 输入格式 输入以下形式给出:\ 第一行,一个整数 $T$。\ 随后 $T$ 行,每行代表一个数据。 > $ T $ $ \mathrm{case}_1 $ $ \mathrm{case}_2 $ $ \vdots $ $ \mathrm{case}_T $ 对于每组数据,其格式如下: > $ R_1 $ $ G_1 $ $ B_1 $ $ R_2 $ $ G_2 $ $ B_2 $ ## 输出格式 对于每组数据,若高桥君获胜,输出`Takahashi` ,若青木君获胜,输出 `Aoki` 。 ## 提示 ### 数据范围 - $ 1\ \leq\ T\ \leq\ 10^5 $ - $ 0\ \leq\ R_1,\ G_1,\ B_1,\ R_2,\ G_2,\ B_2\ \leq\ 10^{18} $ - $ R_1\ +\ G_1\ +\ B_1\ \geq\ 1 $ - $ R_2\ +\ G_2\ +\ B_2\ \geq\ 1 $ - 输入的所有数据均为整数 ### Sample Explanation 1 这里是样例 $1$ 的第一组数据的一种可能的情况。 1. 进攻方高桥君打出一张红牌。 2. 防守方青木君什么都不做(青木君没有红牌,无法打出红牌) 3. 进攻方高桥君打出一张绿牌。 4. 防守方青木君也打出一张绿牌,双方互换身份。 5. 进攻方青木君打出一张蓝牌。 6. 防守方高桥君也打出一张蓝牌。 7. 此时高桥君手牌数为 $0$,高桥君获胜。


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