300254: CF48G. Galaxy Union

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Galaxy Union


在遥远的银河中,有n个被居住的行星,编号从1到n。一天,这n个行星上的总统各自产生了联盟的想法。但他们不知道彼此都产生了这个想法。于是他们想和其他人商讨这件事,所以每个总统都忙于准备和别的总统进行交谈。 一些行星之间的交谈有着双向通信通道,每个通道都有“拨号持续时间”ti,通常耗时数小时。整个银河都有N个通讯通道,它们把所有行星连接起来。这意味着有可能从任何行星u直接向任何行星v打电话,也许,使用一些过渡行星v1,v2…,Vm通过u 和v1和v2,…,vm和vm和v之间的现有通道。那么从u到v的拨号持续时间等于所使用通信通道的拨号持续时间之和。 每一位总统必须一个一个与其余n-1颗行星的总统交谈。交谈是严格的进行着的,直到与一方的交谈结束时,另一方的拨号才开始。因为时间紧迫,得以最快的方式与每一个星球进行联络。只需要很少的时间来保证另一位总统对星系联盟的重要性,那么每个行星的谈判持续时间就视作这些行星的拨号持续时间。但是以为总统对彼此的想法一无所知,他们无法考虑全面,例如,要进行交谈的某个总统可能已经从其他渠道知道了这件事。 所以,所有n个行星的政府要求你来帮他们制定计划。你的任务是要找出每一位总统要用多少时间进行交谈。 Translated by @Well_whz


In a far away galaxy there are $ n $ inhabited planets numbered with numbers from $ 1 $ to $ n $ . One day the presidents of all the $ n $ planets independently from each other came up with an idea of creating the Galaxy Union. Now they need to share this wonderful idea with their galaxymates, that’s why each president is busy working out a project of negotiating with the other presidents. For negotiations between some pairs of the planets there are bidirectional communication channels, each of which is characterized with "dial duration" $ t_{i} $ which, as a rule, takes several hours and exceeds the call duration greatly. Overall the galaxy has $ n $ communication channels and they unite all the planets into a uniform network. That means that it is possible to phone to any planet $ v $ from any planet $ u $ , perhaps, using some transitional planets $ v_{1} $ , $ v_{2} $ , ..., $ v_{m} $ via the existing channels between $ u $ and $ v_{1} $ , $ v_{1} $ and $ v_{2} $ , ..., $ v_{m-1} $ and $ v_{m} $ , $ v_{m} $ and $ v $ . At that the dial duration from $ u $ to $ v $ will be equal to the sum of dial durations of the used channels. So, every president has to talk one by one to the presidents of all the rest $ n-1 $ planets. At that the negotiations take place strictly consecutively, and until the negotiations with a planet stop, the dial to another one does not begin. As the matter is urgent, from the different ways to call the needed planet every time the quickest one is chosen. Little time is needed to assure another president on the importance of the Galaxy Union, that’s why the duration of the negotiations with each planet can be considered equal to the dial duration time for those planets. As the presidents know nothing about each other’s plans, they do not take into consideration the possibility that, for example, the sought president may call himself or already know about the founding of the Galaxy Union from other sources. The governments of all the $ n $ planets asked you to work out the negotiation plans. First you are to find out for every president how much time his supposed negotiations will take.



The first line contains an integer $ n $ ( $ 3<=n<=200000 $ ) which represents the number of planets in the Galaxy and the number of communication channels equal to it. The next $ n $ lines contain three integers each $ a_{i} $ , $ b_{i} $ and $ t_{i} $ ( $ 1<=a_{i},b_{i}<=n,a_{i}≠b_{i},1<=t_{i}<=10^{3} $ ) that represent the numbers of planet joined by a communication channel and its "dial duration". There can be no more than one communication channel between a pair of planets.


In the first line output $ n $ integers — the durations of the supposed negotiations for each president. Separate the numbers by spaces.


输入样例 #1

1 2 3
2 3 2
1 3 1

输出样例 #1

4 5 3

输入样例 #2

1 2 3
2 3 2
1 3 5

输出样例 #2

8 5 7

输入样例 #3

1 2 3
2 3 2
3 4 1
4 1 4

输出样例 #3

12 8 8 8



在一个遥远的星系中有 $n$ 颗有人居住的行星,编号从 $1$ 到 $n$。有一天,$n$ 颗行星上的领导人各自产生了建立同盟的想法。每个行星提出了创建星系同盟的想法,但是其他行星的人都不知道。现在他们需要与他们的星系伙伴分享这个绝妙的想法,这就是为什么每位领导人都忙于与其他领导人谈判。 某些行星之间的谈判有着双向通信通道,每个通道的都有“拨号持续时间” $t_i$。通常,这需要几个小时并且大大超过了可供通话的时间。总的来说,银河系有 $n$ 通信通道,它们将所有行星互相联系起来。这意味着可能从任意行星 $u$ 直接向任何行星 $v$ 打电话。或许可以使用一些中间行星 $v_1,v_2,...,v_m$ 通过$u$ 和 $v_1,v_2,...,v_{m-1},v_m$ 和 $v$ 之间的现有通道。那么从 $u$ 到 $v$ 的拨号持续时间等于所使用通信通道的拨号持续时间之和。 所以,每个领导人都必须一个接一个地与所有其他 $n - 1$ 个行星的领导人交谈。谈判严格并连续进行,直到与一方的谈判结束后,另一颗行星的拨号才能开始。由于事情紧急,所以得以最快的方式与其他星球进行联络。几乎不需要时间向另一位总统保证银河联盟的重要性,这就是为什么与每个行星的谈判时间可以被视为等于这些行星的拨号持续时间。由于总统对彼此的计划一无所知,他们没有考虑到这样一种可能性:如被寻求的总统可能会自称或已经从其他来源知道银河联盟的成立。 $n$ 颗行星都要求你来制定谈判计划。你需要找出每位总统所谓的谈判需要多少时间。 **【输入格式】** 第一行输入一个整数 $n(3 \le n \le 2 \times 10 ^ {5})$,它代表星系中行星的数量和与之相等的通信信道的数量。 接下来 $n$ 行每行输入三个整数 $a_i,b_i$ 和 $t_i(1 \le a_i,b_i \le n,a_i \ne b_i,1 \le t \le 10 ^ {3})$,表示通过通信信道加入的行星数量及其“拨号持续时间”。一对行星之间不能超过一个通信通道。 **【输出格式】** 在第一行输出 $n$ 个整数——每位总统假定谈判的持续时间。


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