300506: CF97B. Superset

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给定$n$个点,在这$n$个点的基础上增加一些点,使得任意两个点满足以下条件中至少一个: 1. 在同一行。 1. 在同一列。 1. 以这两个点为顶点的长方形包含(在内部或边缘)其他的至少一个点。 构造其中一组可行解。


A set of points on a plane is called good, if for any two points at least one of the three conditions is true: - those two points lie on same horizontal line; - those two points lie on same vertical line; - the rectangle, with corners in these two points, contains inside or on its borders at least one point of the set, other than these two. We mean here a rectangle with sides parallel to coordinates' axes, the so-called bounding box of the two points. You are given a set consisting of $ n $ points on a plane. Find any good superset of the given set whose size would not exceed $ 2·10^{5} $ points.



The first line contains an integer $ n $ ( $ 1<=n<=10^{4} $ ) — the number of points in the initial set. Next $ n $ lines describe the set's points. Each line contains two integers $ x_{i} $ and $ y_{i} $ ( $ -10^{9}<=x_{i},y_{i}<=10^{9} $ ) — a corresponding point's coordinates. It is guaranteed that all the points are different.


Print on the first line the number of points $ m $ ( $ n<=m<=2·10^{5} $ ) in a good superset, print on next $ m $ lines the points. The absolute value of the points' coordinates should not exceed $ 10^{9} $ . Note that you should not minimize $ m $ , it is enough to find any good superset of the given set, whose size does not exceed $ 2·10^{5} $ . All points in the superset should have integer coordinates.


输入样例 #1

1 1
2 2

输出样例 #1

1 1
2 2
1 2



给定$n$个点,在这$n$个点的基础上增加一些点,使得任意两个点满足以下条件中至少一个: 1. 在同一行。 1. 在同一列。 1. 以这两个点为顶点的长方形包含(在内部或边缘)其他的至少一个点。 构造其中一组可行解。


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