302033: CF386B. Fly, freebies, fly!

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Fly, freebies, fly!


给定一个长度为 $n(1\leq n\leq 100)$ 的序列 $\left\{ t_i\right\}(1\leq t_i\leq 1000)$,一个整数 $T(1\leq T\leq 1000)$,存在一个在 $t_i$ 中出现过的数 $x$,使得 $\left\{ t_i\right\}$ 中有更多的数大于等于 $x$ 且小于等于 $x+T$,求最多的出现次数。 感谢 @[Ted_hjl](/user/342868) 的贡献。


Everyone loves a freebie. Especially students. It is well-known that if in the night before exam a student opens window, opens the student's record-book and shouts loudly three times "Fly, freebie, fly!" — then flown freebie helps him to pass the upcoming exam. In the night before the exam on mathematical analysis $ n $ students living in dormitory shouted treasured words. The $ i $ -th student made a sacrament at the time $ t_{i} $ , where $ t_{i} $ is the number of seconds elapsed since the beginning of the night. It is known that the freebie is a capricious and willful lady. That night the freebie was near dormitory only for $ T $ seconds. Therefore, if for two students their sacrament times differ for more than $ T $ , then the freebie didn't visit at least one of them. Since all students are optimists, they really want to know what is the maximal number of students visited by the freebie can be.



The first line of the input contains integer $ n $ ( $ 1<=n<=100 $ ), where $ n $ — the number of students shouted "Fly, freebie, fly!" The second line contains $ n $ positive integers $ t_{i} $ ( $ 1<=t_{i}<=1000 $ ). The last line contains integer $ T $ ( $ 1<=T<=1000 $ ) — the time interval during which the freebie was near the dormitory.


Print a single integer — the largest number of people who will pass exam tomorrow because of the freebie visit.


输入样例 #1

4 1 7 8 3 8

输出样例 #1




给定一个长度为 $n(1\leq n\leq 100)$ 的序列 $\left\{ t_i\right\}(1\leq t_i\leq 1000)$,一个整数 $T(1\leq T\leq 1000)$,存在一个在 $t_i$ 中出现过的数 $x$,使得 $\left\{ t_i\right\}$ 中有更多的数大于等于 $x$ 且小于等于 $x+T$,求最多的出现次数。 感谢 @[Ted_hjl](/user/342868) 的贡献。


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