302151: CF409D. Big Data

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Big Data


输入一个n,输出上面的第n句话是否正确。正确输出1,反之输出0 Translated by @chen_zhe


Little Petya wanted to give an April Fools Day present to some scientists. After some hesitation he decided to give them the array that he got as a present in Codeforces Round #153 (Div.2). The scientists rejoiced at the gift and decided to put some important facts to this array. Here are the first few of the facts: - The highest mountain above sea level in the world is Mount Everest. Its peak rises to 8848 m. - The largest board game tournament consisted of 958 participants playing chapaev. - The largest online maths competition consisted of 12766 participants. - The Nile is credited as the longest river in the world. From its farthest stream in Burundi, it extends 6695 km in length. - While not in flood, the main stretches of the Amazon river in South America can reach widths of up to 1100 km at its widest points. - Angel Falls is the highest waterfall. Its greatest single drop measures 807 m. - The Hotel Everest View above Namche, Nepal — the village closest to Everest base camp – is at a record height of 31962 m - Uranium is the heaviest of all the naturally occurring elements. Its most common isotope has a nucleus containing 146 neutrons. - The coldest permanently inhabited place is the Siberian village of Oymyakon, where the temperature of -68°C was registered in the twentieth century. - The longest snake held in captivity is over 25 feet long. Its name is Medusa. - Colonel Meow holds the world record for longest fur on a cat — almost 134 centimeters. - Sea otters can have up to 10000 hairs per square inch. This is the most dense fur in the animal kingdom. - The largest state of USA is Alaska; its area is 663268 square miles - Alaska has a longer coastline than all of the other 49 U.S. States put together: it is 154103 miles long. - Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world. It reaches 1642 meters in depth and contains around one-fifth of the world’s unfrozen fresh water. - The most colorful national flag is the one of Turkmenistan, with 106 colors.



The input will contain a single integer between 1 and 16.


Output a single integer.


输入样例 #1


输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2


输出样例 #2




输入一个n,输出上面的第n句话是否正确。正确输出1,反之输出0 Translated by @chen_zhe


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