302158: CF411B. Multi-core Processor

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Multi-core Processor


有 $n$ 个处理器和 $k$ 个单元,每个处理器会发送 $m$ 个信号,第 $i$ 个处理器会在第 $j$ 时刻发送信号 $x_{i,j}$。当 $x_{i,j}=0$ 时,表示不向任何一个单元发送信号;当 $x_{i,j}\not=0$ 时,表示向单元 $x_{i,j}$ 发送信号。如果有多个处理器在同一时刻发送给同一单元信号,那么这些处理器和这个单元将会被冻结。被冻结的处理器不能再发送信号,被冻结的单元不能再接受信号。如果未被冻结的处理器向冻结的单元发送信号,那么该处理器也将会被冻结。现在你知道了处理器将会发送的信号,请计算出每个处理器被冻结的时刻。如果不会被冻结则返回 $0$。


The research center Q has developed a new multi-core processor. The processor consists of $ n $ cores and has $ k $ cells of cache memory. Consider the work of this processor. At each cycle each core of the processor gets one instruction: either do nothing, or the number of the memory cell (the core will write an information to the cell). After receiving the command, the core executes it immediately. Sometimes it happens that at one cycle, multiple cores try to write the information into a single cell. Unfortunately, the developers did not foresee the possibility of resolving conflicts between cores, so in this case there is a deadlock: all these cores and the corresponding memory cell are locked forever. Each of the locked cores ignores all further commands, and no core in the future will be able to record an information into the locked cell. If any of the cores tries to write an information into some locked cell, it is immediately locked. The development team wants to explore the deadlock situation. Therefore, they need a program that will simulate the processor for a given set of instructions for each core within $ m $ cycles . You're lucky, this interesting work is entrusted to you. According to the instructions, during the $ m $ cycles define for each core the number of the cycle, during which it will become locked. It is believed that initially all cores and all memory cells are not locked.



The first line contains three integers $ n $ , $ m $ , $ k $ $ (1<=n,m,k<=100) $ . Then follow $ n $ lines describing instructions. The $ i $ -th line contains $ m $ integers: $ x_{i1},x_{i2},...,x_{im} $ $ (0<=x_{ij}<=k) $ , where $ x_{ij} $ is the instruction that must be executed by the $ i $ -th core at the $ j $ -th cycle. If $ x_{ij} $ equals 0, then the corresponding instruction is «do nothing». But if $ x_{ij} $ is a number from 1 to $ k $ , then the corresponding instruction is «write information to the memory cell number $ x_{ij} $ ». We assume that the cores are numbered from 1 to $ n $ , the work cycles are numbered from 1 to $ m $ and the memory cells are numbered from 1 to $ k $ .


Print $ n $ lines. In the $ i $ -th line print integer $ t_{i} $ . This number should be equal to 0 if the $ i $ -th core won't be locked, or it should be equal to the number of the cycle when this core will be locked.


输入样例 #1

4 3 5
1 0 0
1 0 2
2 3 1
3 2 0

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 2 2
1 2
1 2
2 2

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

1 1 1

输出样例 #3




有 $n$ 个处理器和 $k$ 个单元,每个处理器会发送 $m$ 个信号,第 $i$ 个处理器会在第 $j$ 时刻发送信号 $x_{i,j}$。当 $x_{i,j}=0$ 时,表示不向任何一个单元发送信号;当 $x_{i,j}\not=0$ 时,表示向单元 $x_{i,j}$ 发送信号。如果有多个处理器在同一时刻发送给同一单元信号,那么这些处理器和这个单元将会被冻结。被冻结的处理器不能再发送信号,被冻结的单元不能再接受信号。如果未被冻结的处理器向冻结的单元发送信号,那么该处理器也将会被冻结。现在你知道了处理器将会发送的信号,请计算出每个处理器被冻结的时刻。如果不会被冻结则返回 $0$。


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