303359: CF652A. Gabriel and Caterpillar

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Gabriel and Caterpillar


9年级的学生加百利在树上高度为h1的地方发现了一只毛毛虫正向着高度为h2的苹果进发。它在白天每小时上升a厘米,晚上每小时下掉b厘米。可以认为白天从10点开始至22点结束,黑夜从22点开始至次日10点结束。Gabriel是在下课后看到毛毛虫。加百利每天14点下课,他想知道,几天后他来恰好能看到毛毛虫正在吃苹果? fixed:Gabriel是在下课后看到毛毛虫的 ——by:沉迷学习的YZM


The $ 9 $ -th grade student Gabriel noticed a caterpillar on a tree when walking around in a forest after the classes. The caterpillar was on the height $ h_{1} $ cm from the ground. On the height $ h_{2} $ cm ( $ h_{2}>h_{1} $ ) on the same tree hung an apple and the caterpillar was crawling to the apple. Gabriel is interested when the caterpillar gets the apple. He noted that the caterpillar goes up by $ a $ cm per hour by day and slips down by $ b $ cm per hour by night. In how many days Gabriel should return to the forest to see the caterpillar get the apple. You can consider that the day starts at $ 10 $ am and finishes at $ 10 $ pm. Gabriel's classes finish at $ 2 $ pm. You can consider that Gabriel noticed the caterpillar just after the classes at $ 2 $ pm. Note that the forest is magic so the caterpillar can slip down under the ground and then lift to the apple.



The first line contains two integers $ h_{1},h_{2} $ ( $ 1<=h_{1}&lt;h_{2}<=10^{5} $ ) — the heights of the position of the caterpillar and the apple in centimeters. The second line contains two integers $ a,b $ ( $ 1<=a,b<=10^{5} $ ) — the distance the caterpillar goes up by day and slips down by night, in centimeters per hour.


Print the only integer $ k $ — the number of days Gabriel should wait to return to the forest and see the caterpillar getting the apple. If the caterpillar can't get the apple print the only integer $ -1 $ .


输入样例 #1

10 30
2 1

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

10 13
1 1

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

10 19
1 2

输出样例 #3


输入样例 #4

1 50
5 4

输出样例 #4



In the first example at $ 10 $ pm of the first day the caterpillar gets the height $ 26 $ . At $ 10 $ am of the next day it slips down to the height $ 14 $ . And finally at $ 6 $ pm of the same day the caterpillar gets the apple. Note that in the last example the caterpillar was slipping down under the ground and getting the apple on the next day.



9年级的学生加百利在树上高度为h1的地方发现了一只毛毛虫正向着高度为h2的苹果进发。它在白天每小时上升a厘米,晚上每小时下掉b厘米。可以认为白天从10点开始至22点结束,黑夜从22点开始至次日10点结束。Gabriel是在下课后看到毛毛虫。加百利每天14点下课,他想知道,几天后他来恰好能看到毛毛虫正在吃苹果? fixed:Gabriel是在下课后看到毛毛虫的 ——by:沉迷学习的YZM


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