303725: CF720A. Closing ceremony

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Closing ceremony


### 题目描述 $N*M$ 的格子,一共有 $k$ 个人从 (0,0) 位置进来,$N*M-k$ 个从 $(M+1,0)$ 进来,每个人要走到一个位置坐下来,从 $(x,y)$ 走到 $(x_p,y_p)$ 要走 $|x-x_p|+|y-y_p|$ 步。每个人走路步数(耐力)最多 $x_i$ 步。问你能否安排方案。可以请输出YES,否则输出NO ### 输入数据: 第一行包含两个整数 $N,M$ 第二行包含几个整数,第一个整数 $k$ 表示在 $(0,0)$ 处的人数,之后 $k$ 个整数表示每个人的耐力 第三行包含几个整数,第一个整数 $l(l=N*m-k)$ 表示在 $(0,M+1)$ 处的人数,之后 $l$ 个整数表示每个人的耐力 ### 输出数据: 一行,可以安排输出YES,否则输出NO $N*M \le 10,000$ 每个人的耐力 $\le N+M$


The closing ceremony of Squanch Code Cup is held in the big hall with $ n×m $ seats, arranged in $ n $ rows, $ m $ seats in a row. Each seat has two coordinates $ (x,y) $ ( $ 1<=x<=n $ , $ 1<=y<=m $ ). There are two queues of people waiting to enter the hall: $ k $ people are standing at $ (0,0) $ and $ n·m-k $ people are standing at $ (0,m+1) $ . Each person should have a ticket for a specific seat. If person $ p $ at $ (x,y) $ has ticket for seat $ (x_{p},y_{p}) $ then he should walk $ |x-x_{p}|+|y-y_{p}| $ to get to his seat. Each person has a stamina — the maximum distance, that the person agrees to walk. You should find out if this is possible to distribute all $ n·m $ tickets in such a way that each person has enough stamina to get to their seat.



The first line of input contains two integers $ n $ and $ m $ ( $ 1<=n·m<=10^{4} $ ) — the size of the hall. The second line contains several integers. The first integer $ k $ ( $ 0<=k<=n·m $ ) — the number of people at $ (0,0) $ . The following $ k $ integers indicate stamina of each person there. The third line also contains several integers. The first integer $ l $ ( $ l=n·m-k $ ) — the number of people at $ (0,m+1) $ . The following $ l $ integers indicate stamina of each person there. The stamina of the person is a positive integer less that or equal to $ n+m $ .


If it is possible to distribute tickets between people in the described manner print "YES", otherwise print "NO".


输入样例 #1

2 2
3 3 3 2
1 3

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

2 2
3 2 3 3
1 2

输出样例 #2




### 题目描述 $N*M$ 的格子,一共有 $k$ 个人从 (0,0) 位置进来,$N*M-k$ 个从 $(M+1,0)$ 进来,每个人要走到一个位置坐下来,从 $(x,y)$ 走到 $(x_p,y_p)$ 要走 $|x-x_p|+|y-y_p|$ 步。每个人走路步数(耐力)最多 $x_i$ 步。问你能否安排方案。可以请输出YES,否则输出NO ### 输入数据: 第一行包含两个整数 $N,M$ 第二行包含几个整数,第一个整数 $k$ 表示在 $(0,0)$ 处的人数,之后 $k$ 个整数表示每个人的耐力 第三行包含几个整数,第一个整数 $l(l=N*m-k)$ 表示在 $(0,M+1)$ 处的人数,之后 $l$ 个整数表示每个人的耐力 ### 输出数据: 一行,可以安排输出YES,否则输出NO $N*M \le 10,000$ 每个人的耐力 $\le N+M$


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