303782: CF730I. Olympiad in Programming and Sports

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Olympiad in Programming and Sports


有 $n$ 个学生每人有两种技能,分别是 $a,b$ 表示编程能力和运动能力。你需要将他们分为两个团队分别参加编程比赛和体育比赛,编程团队有 $p$ 人,体育团队有 $s$ 人,一个学生只能参加其中一项。每个团队的力量是其成员在对应领域能力总和,请问如何分配能使得两个团队的实力和最大? **输入** 共三行,第一行包含三个正整数 $n,p,s$。 第二行有 $n$ 个整数 $a_1,a_2\cdots a_n$,第三行,有 $n$ 个整数$b_1,b_2\cdots b_n$。 **输出** 第一行输出整个团队最大的实力,然后给出一种构造方案即可。 **数据范围** - $2<\le n\le 3\times 10^3$ 且 $p+s\le n$。 - $1\le a_i,b_i\le 3000$。


There are $ n $ students at Berland State University. Every student has two skills, each measured as a number: $ a_{i} $ — the programming skill and $ b_{i} $ — the sports skill. It is announced that an Olympiad in programming and sports will be held soon. That's why Berland State University should choose two teams: one to take part in the programming track and one to take part in the sports track. There should be exactly $ p $ students in the programming team and exactly $ s $ students in the sports team. A student can't be a member of both teams. The university management considers that the strength of the university on the Olympiad is equal to the sum of two values: the programming team strength and the sports team strength. The strength of a team is the sum of skills of its members in the corresponding area, so the strength of the programming team is the sum of all $ a_{i} $ and the strength of the sports team is the sum of all $ b_{i} $ over corresponding team members. Help Berland State University to compose two teams to maximize the total strength of the university on the Olympiad.



The first line contains three positive integer numbers $ n $ , $ p $ and $ s $ ( $ 2<=n<=3000 $ , $ p+s<=n $ ) — the number of students, the size of the programming team and the size of the sports team. The second line contains $ n $ positive integers $ a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{n} $ ( $ 1<=a_{i}<=3000 $ ), where $ a_{i} $ is the programming skill of the $ i $ -th student. The third line contains $ n $ positive integers $ b_{1},b_{2},...,b_{n} $ ( $ 1<=b_{i}<=3000 $ ), where $ b_{i} $ is the sports skill of the $ i $ -th student.


In the first line, print the the maximum strength of the university on the Olympiad. In the second line, print $ p $ numbers — the members of the programming team. In the third line, print $ s $ numbers — the members of the sports team. The students are numbered from 1 to $ n $ as they are given in the input. All numbers printed in the second and in the third lines should be distinct and can be printed in arbitrary order. If there are multiple solutions, print any of them.


输入样例 #1

5 2 2
1 3 4 5 2
5 3 2 1 4

输出样例 #1

3 4 
1 5 

输入样例 #2

4 2 2
10 8 8 3
10 7 9 4

输出样例 #2

1 2 
3 4 

输入样例 #3

5 3 1
5 2 5 1 7
6 3 1 6 3

输出样例 #3

1 3 5 



有 $n$ 个学生每人有两种技能,分别是 $a,b$ 表示编程能力和运动能力。你需要将他们分为两个团队分别参加编程比赛和体育比赛,编程团队有 $p$ 人,体育团队有 $s$ 人,一个学生只能参加其中一项。每个团队的力量是其成员在对应领域能力总和,请问如何分配能使得两个团队的实力和最大? **输入** 共三行,第一行包含三个正整数 $n,p,s$。 第二行有 $n$ 个整数 $a_1,a_2\cdots a_n$,第三行,有 $n$ 个整数$b_1,b_2\cdots b_n$。 **输出** 第一行输出整个团队最大的实力,然后给出一种构造方案即可。 **数据范围** - $2<\le n\le 3\times 10^3$ 且 $p+s\le n$。 - $1\le a_i,b_i\le 3000$。


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