303931: CF757D. Felicity's Big Secret Revealed

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Felicity's Big Secret Revealed


给定一个只有01串,求2-n+1次有效切割的切法 由于数量可能很多,将取得的答案去摸10^9+7 有效的n切割定义如下: 一个横杠代表一次切割,将第一条横杠前与最后一条横杠后的01串舍去后,将每两个相邻的横杠之间的01串有2进制转换为10进制,设这些十进制数中最大的为maxx,当且仅当转换得到的10进制的数覆盖到了所有1-maxx的值,称为一次有效切割(即1-maxx之间的每一个数都可以在有原来的01串经过分割之后转换的10进制数组成的集合中找到) 数据范围 1<=n<=75; 输入格式 第一行:一个n; 第二行:一个长度为n的01串 感谢@Wow_Goodjob 提供的翻译


The gym leaders were fascinated by the evolutions which took place at Felicity camp. So, they were curious to know about the secret behind evolving Pokemon. The organizers of the camp gave the gym leaders a PokeBlock, a sequence of $ n $ ingredients. Each ingredient can be of type $ 0 $ or $ 1 $ . Now the organizers told the gym leaders that to evolve a Pokemon of type $ k $ ( $ k>=2 $ ), they need to make a valid set of $ k $ cuts on the PokeBlock to get smaller blocks. Suppose the given PokeBlock sequence is $ b_{0}b_{1}b_{2}...\ b_{n-1} $ . You have a choice of making cuts at $ n+1 $ places, i.e., Before $ b_{0} $ , between $ b_{0} $ and $ b_{1} $ , between $ b_{1} $ and $ b_{2} $ , ..., between $ b_{n-2} $ and $ b_{n-1} $ , and after $ b_{n-1} $ . The $ n+1 $ choices of making cuts are as follows (where a | denotes a possible cut): $ |\ b_{0}\ |\ b_{1}\ |\ b_{2}\ |\ ...\ |\ b_{n-2}\ |\ b_{n-1}\ | $ Consider a sequence of $ k $ cuts. Now each pair of consecutive cuts will contain a binary string between them, formed from the ingredient types. The ingredients before the first cut and after the last cut are wasted, which is to say they are not considered. So there will be exactly $ k-1 $ such binary substrings. Every substring can be read as a binary number. Let $ m $ be the maximum number out of the obtained numbers. If all the obtained numbers are positive and the set of the obtained numbers contains all integers from $ 1 $ to $ m $ , then this set of cuts is said to be a valid set of cuts. For example, suppose the given PokeBlock sequence is $ 101101001110 $ and we made $ 5 $ cuts in the following way: $ 10\ |\ 11\ |\ 010\ |\ 01\ |\ 1\ |\ 10 $ So the $ 4 $ binary substrings obtained are: $ 11 $ , $ 010 $ , $ 01 $ and $ 1 $ , which correspond to the numbers $ 3 $ , $ 2 $ , $ 1 $ and $ 1 $ respectively. Here $ m=3 $ , as it is the maximum value among the obtained numbers. And all the obtained numbers are positive and we have obtained all integers from $ 1 $ to $ m $ . Hence this set of cuts is a valid set of $ 5 $ cuts. A Pokemon of type $ k $ will evolve only if the PokeBlock is cut using a valid set of $ k $ cuts. There can be many valid sets of the same size. Two valid sets of $ k $ cuts are considered different if there is a cut in one set which is not there in the other set. Let $ f(k) $ denote the number of valid sets of $ k $ cuts. Find the value of ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF757D/752917f3f08a748323db829d6086efa4b31f63b6.png). Since the value of $ s $ can be very large, output $ s $ modulo $ 10^{9}+7 $ .



The input consists of two lines. The first line consists an integer $ n $ ( $ 1<=n<=75 $ ) — the length of the PokeBlock. The next line contains the PokeBlock, a binary string of length $ n $ .


Output a single integer, containing the answer to the problem, i.e., the value of $ s $ modulo $ 10^{9}+7 $ .


输入样例 #1


输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2


输出样例 #2



In the first sample, the sets of valid cuts are: Size $ 2 $ : |1|011, 1|01|1, 10|1|1, 101|1|. Size $ 3 $ : |1|01|1, |10|1|1, 10|1|1|, 1|01|1|. Size $ 4 $ : |10|1|1|, |1|01|1|. Hence, $ f(2)=4 $ , $ f(3)=4 $ and $ f(4)=2 $ . So, the value of $ s=10 $ . In the second sample, the set of valid cuts is: Size $ 2 $ : |1|0. Hence, $ f(2)=1 $ and $ f(3)=0 $ . So, the value of $ s=1 $ .



给定一个只有01串,求2-n+1次有效切割的切法 由于数量可能很多,将取得的答案去摸10^9+7 有效的n切割定义如下: 一个横杠代表一次切割,将第一条横杠前与最后一条横杠后的01串舍去后,将每两个相邻的横杠之间的01串有2进制转换为10进制,设这些十进制数中最大的为maxx,当且仅当转换得到的10进制的数覆盖到了所有1-maxx的值,称为一次有效切割(即1-maxx之间的每一个数都可以在有原来的01串经过分割之后转换的10进制数组成的集合中找到) 数据范围 1<=n<=75; 输入格式 第一行:一个n; 第二行:一个长度为n的01串 感谢@Wow_Goodjob 提供的翻译


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