304088: CF785B. Anton and Classes

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Anton and Classes


【题目描述】 Anton很喜欢下棋,同时又很喜欢编程。难怪,他会想去参加棋艺班和编程班! 一共有n个棋艺班,m个编程班。第i个棋艺班的时间用$(l_{1,i},r_{1,i})$表示,第i个编程班的时间用$(l_{2,i},r_{2,i})$表示。 Anton需要在全部的棋艺班和编程班中间恰好各选一个。他想要在两个班之间有休息的时间,所以对于所有可能的选择,他希望两个时间段的距离(即他的休息时间)最大。 两个时间段$(l_1,r_1)$和$(l_2,r_2)$的距离是这样定义的:对于$l_1\le i\le r_1$,$l_2\le j\le r_2$,距离就是$|i-j|$的最小值。如果两个时间段相交,那么他们的距离当然就是$0$。 Anton很想知道,他的休息时间最大是多少。帮帮他解决这个问题吧! 【输入格式】 第一行一个整数n。 第2~n+1行,每行两个数$l_{1,i}$和$r_{1,i}$。 第n+2行一个整数m。 接下来mmm行,每行两个数$l_{2,i}$和$r_{2,i}$。 保证$1<=n,m<=200000$。对于输入中的所有$x$,保证$1<=x<=10^9$。 【输出格式】 一个整数,表示Anton的最大休息时间。


Anton likes to play chess. Also he likes to do programming. No wonder that he decided to attend chess classes and programming classes. Anton has $ n $ variants when he will attend chess classes, $ i $ -th variant is given by a period of time $ (l_{1,i},r_{1,i}) $ . Also he has $ m $ variants when he will attend programming classes, $ i $ -th variant is given by a period of time $ (l_{2,i},r_{2,i}) $ . Anton needs to choose exactly one of $ n $ possible periods of time when he will attend chess classes and exactly one of $ m $ possible periods of time when he will attend programming classes. He wants to have a rest between classes, so from all the possible pairs of the periods he wants to choose the one where the distance between the periods is maximal. The distance between periods $ (l_{1},r_{1}) $ and $ (l_{2},r_{2}) $ is the minimal possible distance between a point in the first period and a point in the second period, that is the minimal possible $ |i-j| $ , where $ l_{1}<=i<=r_{1} $ and $ l_{2}<=j<=r_{2} $ . In particular, when the periods intersect, the distance between them is $ 0 $ . Anton wants to know how much time his rest between the classes will last in the best case. Help Anton and find this number!



The first line of the input contains a single integer $ n $ $ (1<=n<=200000) $ — the number of time periods when Anton can attend chess classes. Each of the following $ n $ lines of the input contains two integers $ l_{1,i} $ and $ r_{1,i} $ $ (1<=l_{1,i}<=r_{1,i}<=10^{9}) $ — the $ i $ -th variant of a period of time when Anton can attend chess classes. The following line of the input contains a single integer $ m $ $ (1<=m<=200000) $ — the number of time periods when Anton can attend programming classes. Each of the following $ m $ lines of the input contains two integers $ l_{2,i} $ and $ r_{2,i} $ $ (1<=l_{2,i}<=r_{2,i}<=10^{9}) $ — the $ i $ -th variant of a period of time when Anton can attend programming classes.


Output one integer — the maximal possible distance between time periods.


输入样例 #1

1 5
2 6
2 3
2 4
6 8

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

1 5
2 6
3 7
2 4
1 4

输出样例 #2



In the first sample Anton can attend chess classes in the period $ (2,3) $ and attend programming classes in the period $ (6,8) $ . It's not hard to see that in this case the distance between the periods will be equal to $ 3 $ . In the second sample if he chooses any pair of periods, they will intersect. So the answer is $ 0 $ .



【题目描述】 Anton很喜欢下棋,同时又很喜欢编程。难怪,他会想去参加棋艺班和编程班! 一共有n个棋艺班,m个编程班。第i个棋艺班的时间用$(l_{1,i},r_{1,i})$表示,第i个编程班的时间用$(l_{2,i},r_{2,i})$表示。 Anton需要在全部的棋艺班和编程班中间恰好各选一个。他想要在两个班之间有休息的时间,所以对于所有可能的选择,他希望两个时间段的距离(即他的休息时间)最大。 两个时间段$(l_1,r_1)$和$(l_2,r_2)$的距离是这样定义的:对于$l_1\le i\le r_1$,$l_2\le j\le r_2$,距离就是$|i-j|$的最小值。如果两个时间段相交,那么他们的距离当然就是$0$。 Anton很想知道,他的休息时间最大是多少。帮帮他解决这个问题吧! 【输入格式】 第一行一个整数n。 第2~n+1行,每行两个数$l_{1,i}$和$r_{1,i}$。 第n+2行一个整数m。 接下来mmm行,每行两个数$l_{2,i}$和$r_{2,i}$。 保证$1<=n,m<=200000$。对于输入中的所有$x$,保证$1<=x<=10^9$。 【输出格式】 一个整数,表示Anton的最大休息时间。


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