304206: CF803D. Magazine Ad

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Magazine Ad


城市杂志为读者提供发布广告的机会。 广告的格式应该是这样的: 有空格分隔的非空字母的小写和大写字母。 除此之外,字符串的中间有很多 - 符号。 现在要将字符串划为kkk 行,每一行只能在空格或者 - 后截断,现在问最长的一行最短长度是多少。


The main city magazine offers its readers an opportunity to publish their ads. The format of the ad should be like this: There are space-separated non-empty words of lowercase and uppercase Latin letters. There are hyphen characters '-' in some words, their positions set word wrapping points. Word can include more than one hyphen. It is guaranteed that there are no adjacent spaces and no adjacent hyphens. No hyphen is adjacent to space. There are no spaces and no hyphens before the first word and after the last word. When the word is wrapped, the part of the word before hyphen and the hyphen itself stay on current line and the next part of the word is put on the next line. You can also put line break between two words, in that case the space stays on current line. Check notes for better understanding. The ad can occupy no more that $ k $ lines and should have minimal width. The width of the ad is the maximal length of string (letters, spaces and hyphens are counted) in it. You should write a program that will find minimal width of the ad.



The first line contains number $ k $ ( $ 1<=k<=10^{5} $ ). The second line contains the text of the ad — non-empty space-separated words of lowercase and uppercase Latin letters and hyphens. Total length of the ad don't exceed $ 10^{6} $ characters.


Output minimal width of the ad.


输入样例 #1

garage for sa-le

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

Edu-ca-tion-al Ro-unds are so fun

输出样例 #2



Here all spaces are replaced with dots. In the first example one of possible results after all word wraps looks like this: `<br></br>garage.<br></br>for.<br></br>sa-<br></br>le<br></br>`The second example: `<br></br>Edu-ca-<br></br>tion-al.<br></br>Ro-unds.<br></br>are.so.fun<br></br>`



城市杂志为读者提供发布广告的机会。 广告的格式应该是这样的: 有空格分隔的非空字母的小写和大写字母。 除此之外,字符串的中间有很多 - 符号。 现在要将字符串划为kkk 行,每一行只能在空格或者 - 后截断,现在问最长的一行最短长度是多少。


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