304207: CF803E. Roma and Poker

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Roma and Poker


给定一个由 $W,D,L,?$ 构成的长度为 $n$ 的字符串,并给定一个常数 $k$ ,你要替换字符串中的所有 $?$ ,使得原串的 $W,L$ 出现次数之差的绝对值 $=k$ ,且除原串外任意前缀的 $W,L$ 出现次数之差的绝对值 $<k$ ,求构造出的字符串,无解输出 `NO`,否则输出构造后的字符串。


Each evening Roma plays online poker on his favourite website. The rules of poker on this website are a bit strange: there are always two players in a hand, there are no bets, and the winner takes $ 1 $ virtual bourle from the loser. Last evening Roma started to play poker. He decided to spend no more than $ k $ virtual bourles — he will stop immediately if the number of his loses exceeds the number of his wins by $ k $ . Also Roma will leave the game if he wins enough money for the evening, i.e. if the number of wins exceeds the number of loses by $ k $ . Next morning Roma found a piece of paper with a sequence on it representing his results. Roma doesn't remember the results exactly, and some characters in the sequence are written in a way such that it's impossible to recognize this character, so Roma can't recall whether he won $ k $ bourles or he lost. The sequence written by Roma is a string $ s $ consisting of characters W (Roma won the corresponding hand), L (Roma lost), D (draw) and ? (unknown result). Roma wants to restore any valid sequence by changing all ? characters to W, L or D. The sequence is called valid if all these conditions are met: - In the end the absolute difference between the number of wins and loses is equal to $ k $ ; - There is no hand such that the absolute difference before this hand was equal to $ k $ . Help Roma to restore any such sequence.



The first line contains two numbers $ n $ (the length of Roma's sequence) and $ k $ ( $ 1<=n,k<=1000 $ ). The second line contains the sequence $ s $ consisting of characters W, L, D and ?. There are exactly $ n $ characters in this sequence.


If there is no valid sequence that can be obtained from $ s $ by replacing all ? characters by W, L or D, print NO. Otherwise print this sequence. If there are multiple answers, print any of them.


输入样例 #1

3 2

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 1

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

20 5

输出样例 #3




给定一个由 $W,D,L,?$ 构成的长度为 $n$ 的字符串,并给定一个常数 $k$ ,你要替换字符串中的所有 $?$ ,使得原串的 $W,L$ 出现次数之差的绝对值 $=k$ ,且除原串外任意前缀的 $W,L$ 出现次数之差的绝对值 $<k$ ,求构造出的字符串,无解输出 `NO`,否则输出构造后的字符串。

