304589: CF873C. Strange Game On Matrix

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Strange Game On Matrix


题意简述 给你n*m的矩阵和k,让你在每一列的里找i最小的1,从这个1向下出发(包含),直到长度为len=min(k,n-i+1)。其中的1的个数加到总分数中。 每一列找完之后,得到总分数。现在可以操作:把任意个1变为0。 现在想要总分数最大。求最大总分数和此时操作的最小次数。


Ivan is playing a strange game. He has a matrix $ a $ with $ n $ rows and $ m $ columns. Each element of the matrix is equal to either $ 0 $ or $ 1 $ . Rows and columns are $ 1 $ -indexed. Ivan can replace any number of ones in this matrix with zeroes. After that, his score in the game will be calculated as follows: 1. Initially Ivan's score is $ 0 $ ; 2. In each column, Ivan will find the topmost $ 1 $ (that is, if the current column is $ j $ , then he will find minimum $ i $ such that $ a_{i,j}=1 $ ). If there are no $ 1 $ 's in the column, this column is skipped; 3. Ivan will look at the next $ min(k,n-i+1) $ elements in this column (starting from the element he found) and count the number of $ 1 $ 's among these elements. This number will be added to his score. Of course, Ivan wants to maximize his score in this strange game. Also he doesn't want to change many elements, so he will replace the minimum possible number of ones with zeroes. Help him to determine the maximum possible score he can get and the minimum possible number of replacements required to achieve that score.



The first line contains three integer numbers $ n $ , $ m $ and $ k $ ( $ 1<=k<=n<=100 $ , $ 1<=m<=100 $ ). Then $ n $ lines follow, $ i $ -th of them contains $ m $ integer numbers — the elements of $ i $ -th row of matrix $ a $ . Each number is either $ 0 $ or $ 1 $ .


Print two numbers: the maximum possible score Ivan can get and the minimum number of replacements required to get this score.


输入样例 #1

4 3 2
0 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 0
1 1 1

输出样例 #1

4 1

输入样例 #2

3 2 1
1 0
0 1
0 0

输出样例 #2

2 0


In the first example Ivan will replace the element $ a_{1,2} $ .



题意简述 给你n*m的矩阵和k,让你在每一列的里找i最小的1,从这个1向下出发(包含),直到长度为len=min(k,n-i+1)。其中的1的个数加到总分数中。 每一列找完之后,得到总分数。现在可以操作:把任意个1变为0。 现在想要总分数最大。求最大总分数和此时操作的最小次数。

