304608: CF877D. Olya and Energy Drinks

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Olya and Energy Drinks


##### 题目描述 有一NxM的迷宫,'#'是墙,‘.’是路,一秒钟可以向四个方向中的一个移动1~k步,求从起点到终点的最短时间。 ##### 输入格式: 第一行n、m、k,下面是NxM的迷宫,最后是起点到终点的坐标。 ##### 输出格式: 输出最短时间。如果不能离开迷宫,输出-1。


Olya loves energy drinks. She loves them so much that her room is full of empty cans from energy drinks. Formally, her room can be represented as a field of $ n×m $ cells, each cell of which is empty or littered with cans. Olya drank a lot of energy drink, so now she can run $ k $ meters per second. Each second she chooses one of the four directions (up, down, left or right) and runs from $ 1 $ to $ k $ meters in this direction. Of course, she can only run through empty cells. Now Olya needs to get from cell $ (x_{1},y_{1}) $ to cell $ (x_{2},y_{2}) $ . How many seconds will it take her if she moves optimally? It's guaranteed that cells $ (x_{1},y_{1}) $ and $ (x_{2},y_{2}) $ are empty. These cells can coincide.



The first line contains three integers $ n $ , $ m $ and $ k $ ( $ 1<=n,m,k<=1000 $ ) — the sizes of the room and Olya's speed. Then $ n $ lines follow containing $ m $ characters each, the $ i $ -th of them contains on $ j $ -th position "\#", if the cell $ (i,j) $ is littered with cans, and "." otherwise. The last line contains four integers $ x_{1},y_{1},x_{2},y_{2} $ ( $ 1<=x_{1},x_{2}<=n $ , $ 1<=y_{1},y_{2}<=m $ ) — the coordinates of the first and the last cells.


Print a single integer — the minimum time it will take Olya to get from $ (x_{1},y_{1}) $ to $ (x_{2},y_{2}) $ . If it's impossible to get from $ (x_{1},y_{1}) $ to $ (x_{2},y_{2}) $ , print -1.


输入样例 #1

3 4 4
1 1 3 1

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 4 1
1 1 3 1

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

2 2 1
1 1 2 2

输出样例 #3



In the first sample Olya should run $ 3 $ meters to the right in the first second, $ 2 $ meters down in the second second and $ 3 $ meters to the left in the third second. In second sample Olya should run to the right for $ 3 $ seconds, then down for $ 2 $ seconds and then to the left for $ 3 $ seconds. Olya does not recommend drinking energy drinks and generally believes that this is bad.



##### 题目描述 有一NxM的迷宫,'#'是墙,‘.’是路,一秒钟可以向四个方向中的一个移动1~k步,求从起点到终点的最短时间。 ##### 输入格式: 第一行n、m、k,下面是NxM的迷宫,最后是起点到终点的坐标。 ##### 输出格式: 输出最短时间。如果不能离开迷宫,输出-1。


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