304922: CF935A. Fafa and his Company

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Fafa and his Company


从n名员工中选几名员工作为团队领导,要求每个人都应该对相同数量的员工负责。而且,每一个不是团队领导的员工,都必须在一个团队的领导下负责,没有团队领导负责另一个团队的领导。 对于员工的数量n,Fafa可以用多少种方式来选择团队领导者的数量,这样就可以平均分配员工? 输入仅一个正整数n (2<=n<=10^5) 输出仅一行,为分配方案的数量


Fafa owns a company that works on huge projects. There are $ n $ employees in Fafa's company. Whenever the company has a new project to start working on, Fafa has to divide the tasks of this project among all the employees. Fafa finds doing this every time is very tiring for him. So, he decided to choose the best $ l $ employees in his company as team leaders. Whenever there is a new project, Fafa will divide the tasks among only the team leaders and each team leader will be responsible of some positive number of employees to give them the tasks. To make this process fair for the team leaders, each one of them should be responsible for the same number of employees. Moreover, every employee, who is not a team leader, has to be under the responsibility of exactly one team leader, and no team leader is responsible for another team leader. Given the number of employees $ n $ , find in how many ways Fafa could choose the number of team leaders $ l $ in such a way that it is possible to divide employees between them evenly.



The input consists of a single line containing a positive integer $ n $ ( $ 2<=n<=10^{5} $ ) — the number of employees in Fafa's company.


Print a single integer representing the answer to the problem.


输入样例 #1


输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2


输出样例 #2



In the second sample Fafa has 3 ways: - choose only $ 1 $ employee as a team leader with $ 9 $ employees under his responsibility. - choose $ 2 $ employees as team leaders with $ 4 $ employees under the responsibility of each of them. - choose $ 5 $ employees as team leaders with $ 1 $ employee under the responsibility of each of them.



从n名员工中选几名员工作为团队领导,要求每个人都应该对相同数量的员工负责。而且,每一个不是团队领导的员工,都必须在一个团队的领导下负责,没有团队领导负责另一个团队的领导。 对于员工的数量n,Fafa可以用多少种方式来选择团队领导者的数量,这样就可以平均分配员工? 输入仅一个正整数n (2<=n<=10^5) 输出仅一行,为分配方案的数量


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