305446: CF1032G. Chattering

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有 n 只鹦鹉围成一圈站着。每个鹦鹉叫声的影响范围用 ri 表示。 当一只叫声范围为 x 的鹦鹉开始叫时,它的左右两侧距离 x 之内(包括 x)的邻居会在 1 秒钟之后也叫起来。然后,他们的邻居也开始重复,依此类推,直到所有鸟儿都开 始叫。 对于每只鹦鹉,都回答一个问题:如果这只鹦鹉开始叫,那么将经过几秒钟,所有其他鸟类都开始叫?


There are $ n $ parrots standing in a circle. Each parrot has a certain level of respect among other parrots, namely $ r_i $ . When a parrot with respect level $ x $ starts chattering, $ x $ neighbours to the right and to the left of it start repeating the same words in 1 second. Their neighbours then start repeating as well, and so on, until all the birds begin to chatter. You are given the respect levels of all parrots. For each parrot answer a question: if this certain parrot starts chattering, how many seconds will pass until all other birds will start repeating it?



In the first line of input there is a single integer $ n $ , the number of parrots ( $ 1 \leq n \leq 10^5 $ ). In the next line of input there are $ n $ integers $ r_1 $ , ..., $ r_n $ , the respect levels of parrots in order they stand in the circle ( $ 1 \leq r_i \leq n $ ).


Print $ n $ integers. $ i $ -th of them should equal the number of seconds that is needed for all parrots to start chattering if the $ i $ -th parrot is the first to start.


输入样例 #1

1 1 4 1

输出样例 #1

2 2 1 2 

输入样例 #2

1 2 2 1 5 1 3 1

输出样例 #2

3 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 



有 n 只鹦鹉围成一圈站着。每个鹦鹉叫声的影响范围用 ri 表示。 当一只叫声范围为 x 的鹦鹉开始叫时,它的左右两侧距离 x 之内(包括 x)的邻居会在 1 秒钟之后也叫起来。然后,他们的邻居也开始重复,依此类推,直到所有鸟儿都开 始叫。 对于每只鹦鹉,都回答一个问题:如果这只鹦鹉开始叫,那么将经过几秒钟,所有其他鸟类都开始叫?


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