305519: CF1045E. Ancient civilizations

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Ancient civilizations


在平面上有n个点,有的是白点,有的是黑点(给定坐标和颜色)。保证没有三点共线。 你需要把白点连成一颗生成树,黑点连成一颗生成树。生成树的树边即为平面上连接这两点的直线段。你需要保证任两条不共端点的边不相交(白树的边也不能和黑树的边相交)。如果无解输出impossible


On the surface of a newly discovered planet, which we model by a plane, explorers found remains of two different civilizations in various locations. They would like to learn more about those civilizations and to explore the area they need to build roads between some of locations. But as always, there are some restrictions: 1. Every two locations of the same civilization are connected by a unique path of roads 2. No two locations from different civilizations may have road between them (explorers don't want to accidentally mix civilizations they are currently exploring) 3. Roads must be straight line segments 4. Since intersections are expensive to build, they don't want any two roads to intersect (that is, only common point for any two roads may be at some of locations) Obviously all locations are different points in the plane, but explorers found out one more interesting information that may help you – no three locations lie on the same line! Help explorers and find a solution for their problem, or report it is impossible.



In the first line, integer $ n $ $ (1 \leq n \leq 10^3) $ - the number of locations discovered. In next $ n $ lines, three integers $ x, y, c $ $ (0 \leq x, y \leq 10^4, c \in \{0, 1\}) $ - coordinates of the location and number of civilization it belongs to.


In first line print number of roads that should be built. In the following lines print all pairs of locations (their $ 0 $ -based indices) that should be connected with a road. If it is not possible to build roads such that all restrictions are met, print "Impossible". You should not print the quotation marks.


输入样例 #1

0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
3 2 0

输出样例 #1

1 4
4 2
3 0



在平面上有n个点,有的是白点,有的是黑点(给定坐标和颜色)。保证没有三点共线。 你需要把白点连成一颗生成树,黑点连成一颗生成树。生成树的树边即为平面上连接这两点的直线段。你需要保证任两条不共端点的边不相交(白树的边也不能和黑树的边相交)。如果无解输出impossible


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