306064: CF1140G. Double Tree

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Double Tree


### 题目描述 给出一个$2N$个点、$3N-2$条边的无向图,边有边权。这张图满足以下性质: ①对于图上的一条边$(u,v)(2 | u , 2 | v)$,一定存在边$(u+1,v+1)$,反之亦然; ②图上存在边$(u,u \oplus 1)$ 可以知道编号为偶数的点的导出子图和编号为奇数的点的导出子图都是一棵树,且它们同构。 现在给出$Q$组询问,每组询问询问两个点$x,y$之间的最短路长度。 ### 输入格式 第一行一个正整数$N(1 \leq N \leq 3 \times 10^5)$ 接下来一行$N$个正整数,第$i$个正整数表示边$(2i-1,2i)$的权值 接下来$N-1$行每行四个正整数$u,v,w_1,w_2$,表示边$(2u-1,2v-1)$的边权为$w_1$,$(2u,2v)$的边权为$w_2$。 接下来一行一个正整数$Q(1 \leq Q \leq 6 \times 10^5)$ 接下来$Q$行每行两个正整数$x,y$描述一组询问。 数据保证所有边的边权$\leq 10^{12}$,输入保证合法 ### 输出格式 对于每一组询问输出一行一个正整数表示两点之间的最短路长度。


You are given a special undirected graph. It consists of $ 2n $ vertices numbered from $ 1 $ to $ 2n $ . The following properties hold for the graph: - there are exactly $ 3n-2 $ edges in the graph: $ n $ edges connect vertices having odd numbers with vertices having even numbers, $ n - 1 $ edges connect vertices having odd numbers with each other, and $ n - 1 $ edges connect vertices having even numbers with each other; - for each edge $ (u, v) $ between a pair of vertices with odd numbers, there exists an edge $ (u + 1, v + 1) $ , and vice versa; - for each odd number $ u \in [1, 2n - 1] $ , there exists an edge $ (u, u + 1) $ ; - the graph is connected; moreover, if we delete all vertices with even numbers from it, and all edges incident to them, the graph will become a tree (the same applies to deleting odd vertices). So, the graph can be represented as two trees having the same structure, and $ n $ edges connecting each vertex of the first tree to the corresponding vertex of the second tree. Edges of the graph are weighted. The length of some simple path in the graph is the sum of weights of traversed edges. You are given $ q $ queries to this graph; in each query, you are asked to compute the length of the shortest path between some pair of vertices in this graph. Can you answer all of the queries?



The first line of the input contains one integer $ n $ ( $ 2 \le n \le 3 \cdot 10^5 $ ). The second line contains $ n $ integers $ w_{1, 2} $ , $ w_{3,4} $ , ..., $ w_{2n - 1, 2n} $ ( $ 1 \le w_{i, i + 1} \le 10^{12} $ ). These integers describe the weights of the edges connecting odd vertices with even ones. Then $ n-1 $ lines follow. $ i $ -th line contains four integers $ x_i $ , $ y_i $ , $ w_{i, 1} $ and $ w_{i, 2} $ ( $ 1 \le x_i, y_i \le n $ , $ x_i \ne y_i $ , $ 1 \le w_{i, j} \le 10^{12} $ ); it describes two edges: one connecting $ 2x_i - 1 $ with $ 2y_i - 1 $ and having weight $ w_{i, 1} $ ; another connecting $ 2x_i $ with $ 2y_i $ and having weight $ w_{i, 2} $ . The next line contains one integer $ q $ ( $ 1 \le q \le 6 \cdot 10^5 $ ) — the number of queries. Then $ q $ lines follow, $ i $ -th line contains two integers $ u_i $ and $ v_i $ ( $ 1 \le u_i, v_i \le 2n $ , $ u_i \ne v_i $ ), describing a query "compute the length of the shortest path between vertices $ u_i $ and $ v_i $ ".


Print $ q $ integers, $ i $ -th integer should be equal to the answer to the $ i $ -th query.


输入样例 #1

3 6 15 4 8
1 2 5 4
2 3 5 7
1 4 1 5
1 5 2 1
1 2
5 6
1 10

输出样例 #1



The graph in the first test looks like that: ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF1140G/c73bb3706ba12750da7be51518463d1e1edd93c9.png)



### 题目描述 给出一个$2N$个点、$3N-2$条边的无向图,边有边权。这张图满足以下性质: ①对于图上的一条边$(u,v)(2 | u , 2 | v)$,一定存在边$(u+1,v+1)$,反之亦然; ②图上存在边$(u,u \oplus 1)$ 可以知道编号为偶数的点的导出子图和编号为奇数的点的导出子图都是一棵树,且它们同构。 现在给出$Q$组询问,每组询问询问两个点$x,y$之间的最短路长度。 ### 输入格式 第一行一个正整数$N(1 \leq N \leq 3 \times 10^5)$ 接下来一行$N$个正整数,第$i$个正整数表示边$(2i-1,2i)$的权值 接下来$N-1$行每行四个正整数$u,v,w_1,w_2$,表示边$(2u-1,2v-1)$的边权为$w_1$,$(2u,2v)$的边权为$w_2$。 接下来一行一个正整数$Q(1 \leq Q \leq 6 \times 10^5)$ 接下来$Q$行每行两个正整数$x,y$描述一组询问。 数据保证所有边的边权$\leq 10^{12}$,输入保证合法 ### 输出格式 对于每一组询问输出一行一个正整数表示两点之间的最短路长度。


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