306330: CF1181A. Chunga-Changa

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wqy和他的同学要去买糖果。他有$x$RMB,他同学有$y$RMB,而一块糖果要$z$RMB。他们想买尽可能多的糖果。 如果他们分开买,那么有可能不能买到最多的糖果。而如果其中一个人给另一个人一些RMB,那么就有可能买到更多的糖果。 比如wqy有$5$RMB,他同学有$4$RMB,一块糖果要$3$RMB,那么分开买只能买$1+1=2$块,而如果他同学给她$1$RMB,那么就可以买$2+1=3$块糖果。 现在你要求出,他们最多能买多少糖果,在这种情况下,其中一个人最少要给另一个人多少RMB。


Soon after the Chunga-Changa island was discovered, it started to acquire some forms of civilization and even market economy. A new currency arose, colloquially called "chizhik". One has to pay in chizhiks to buy a coconut now. Sasha and Masha are about to buy some coconuts which are sold at price $ z $ chizhiks per coconut. Sasha has $ x $ chizhiks, Masha has $ y $ chizhiks. Each girl will buy as many coconuts as she can using only her money. This way each girl will buy an integer non-negative number of coconuts. The girls discussed their plans and found that the total number of coconuts they buy can increase (or decrease) if one of them gives several chizhiks to the other girl. The chizhiks can't be split in parts, so the girls can only exchange with integer number of chizhiks. Consider the following example. Suppose Sasha has $ 5 $ chizhiks, Masha has $ 4 $ chizhiks, and the price for one coconut be $ 3 $ chizhiks. If the girls don't exchange with chizhiks, they will buy $ 1 + 1 = 2 $ coconuts. However, if, for example, Masha gives Sasha one chizhik, then Sasha will have $ 6 $ chizhiks, Masha will have $ 3 $ chizhiks, and the girls will buy $ 2 + 1 = 3 $ coconuts. It is not that easy to live on the island now, so Sasha and Mash want to exchange with chizhiks in such a way that they will buy the maximum possible number of coconuts. Nobody wants to have a debt, so among all possible ways to buy the maximum possible number of coconuts find such a way that minimizes the number of chizhiks one girl gives to the other (it is not important who will be the person giving the chizhiks).



The first line contains three integers $ x $ , $ y $ and $ z $ ( $ 0 \le x, y \le 10^{18} $ , $ 1 \le z \le 10^{18} $ ) — the number of chizhics Sasha has, the number of chizhics Masha has and the price of a coconut.


Print two integers: the maximum possible number of coconuts the girls can buy and the minimum number of chizhiks one girl has to give to the other.


输入样例 #1

5 4 3

输出样例 #1

3 1

输入样例 #2

6 8 2

输出样例 #2

7 0


The first example is described in the statement. In the second example the optimal solution is to dot exchange any chizhiks. The girls will buy $ 3 + 4 = 7 $ coconuts.



wqy和他的同学要去买糖果。他有$x$RMB,他同学有$y$RMB,而一块糖果要$z$RMB。他们想买尽可能多的糖果。 如果他们分开买,那么有可能不能买到最多的糖果。而如果其中一个人给另一个人一些RMB,那么就有可能买到更多的糖果。 比如wqy有$5$RMB,他同学有$4$RMB,一块糖果要$3$RMB,那么分开买只能买$1+1=2$块,而如果他同学给她$1$RMB,那么就可以买$2+1=3$块糖果。 现在你要求出,他们最多能买多少糖果,在这种情况下,其中一个人最少要给另一个人多少RMB。


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