306438: CF1197B. Pillars

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**题意** 给定$n$个盘子,盘子的半径是$1$到$n$ 现在的有$n$个柱子,每个柱子上有一个盘子,问时候能够把所有的盘子移动到一个柱子上 如果要把一个盘子从柱子$i$移动到柱子$j$则要求 1. 柱子$i$上只有一个盘子 2. 柱子$j$上没有盘子,或盘子的半径大于柱子$i$上的盘子 3. $i$,$j$必须相邻 **输入格式** 第一行一个整数$n$ 第二行$n$个整数,第$i$个数字$a_i$代表第$i$个柱子上盘子的半径 **输出格式** 如果可以将所有的盘子移动到一个柱子上输出`YES` 反之输出`NO` **数据范围** $3\le n\le 2e5$ $1\le a_i\le n$


There are $ n $ pillars aligned in a row and numbered from $ 1 $ to $ n $ . Initially each pillar contains exactly one disk. The $ i $ -th pillar contains a disk having radius $ a_i $ . You can move these disks from one pillar to another. You can take a disk from pillar $ i $ and place it on top of pillar $ j $ if all these conditions are met: 1. there is no other pillar between pillars $ i $ and $ j $ . Formally, it means that $ |i - j| = 1 $ ; 2. pillar $ i $ contains exactly one disk; 3. either pillar $ j $ contains no disks, or the topmost disk on pillar $ j $ has radius strictly greater than the radius of the disk you move. When you place a disk on a pillar that already has some disks on it, you put the new disk on top of previously placed disks, so the new disk will be used to check the third condition if you try to place another disk on the same pillar. You may take any disk and place it on other pillar any number of times, provided that every time you do it, all three aforementioned conditions are met. Now you wonder, is it possible to place all $ n $ disks on the same pillar simultaneously?



The first line contains one integer $ n $ ( $ 3 \le n \le 2 \cdot 10^5 $ ) — the number of pillars. The second line contains $ n $ integers $ a_1 $ , $ a_2 $ , ..., $ a_i $ ( $ 1 \le a_i \le n $ ), where $ a_i $ is the radius of the disk initially placed on the $ i $ -th pillar. All numbers $ a_i $ are distinct.


Print YES if it is possible to place all the disks on the same pillar simultaneously, and NO otherwise. You may print each letter in any case (YES, yes, Yes will all be recognized as positive answer, NO, no and nO will all be recognized as negative answer).


输入样例 #1

1 3 4 2

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 1 2

输出样例 #2



In the first case it is possible to place all disks on pillar $ 3 $ using the following sequence of actions: 1. take the disk with radius $ 3 $ from pillar $ 2 $ and place it on top of pillar $ 3 $ ; 2. take the disk with radius $ 1 $ from pillar $ 1 $ and place it on top of pillar $ 2 $ ; 3. take the disk with radius $ 2 $ from pillar $ 4 $ and place it on top of pillar $ 3 $ ; 4. take the disk with radius $ 1 $ from pillar $ 2 $ and place it on top of pillar $ 3 $ .



**题意** 给定$n$个盘子,盘子的半径是$1$到$n$ 现在的有$n$个柱子,每个柱子上有一个盘子,问时候能够把所有的盘子移动到一个柱子上 如果要把一个盘子从柱子$i$移动到柱子$j$则要求 1. 柱子$i$上只有一个盘子 2. 柱子$j$上没有盘子,或盘子的半径大于柱子$i$上的盘子 3. $i$,$j$必须相邻 **输入格式** 第一行一个整数$n$ 第二行$n$个整数,第$i$个数字$a_i$代表第$i$个柱子上盘子的半径 **输出格式** 如果可以将所有的盘子移动到一个柱子上输出`YES` 反之输出`NO` **数据范围** $3\le n\le 2e5$ $1\le a_i\le n$


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