306589: CF1218F. Workout plan

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Workout plan


有n个目标 刚开始有 K 的分数 然后有n个目标,每次都需要达到$a_i$的分数,对于第i次,我可以选取前i个花费中的$c_i$(一个$c_i$只能选一次),并且花费$c_i$的代价提升$A$的分数,求最小的花费使得在$i$时刻,都能达到$a_i$的标准


Alan decided to get in shape for the summer, so he created a precise workout plan to follow. His plan is to go to a different gym every day during the next N days and lift $ X[i] $ grams on day $ i $ . In order to improve his workout performance at the gym, he can buy exactly one pre-workout drink at the gym he is currently in and it will improve his performance by $ A $ grams permanently and immediately. In different gyms these pre-workout drinks can cost different amounts $ C[i] $ because of the taste and the gym's location but its permanent workout gains are the same. Before the first day of starting his workout plan, Alan knows he can lift a maximum of $ K $ grams. Help Alan spend a minimum total amount of money in order to reach his workout plan. If there is no way for him to complete his workout plan successfully output $ -1 $ .



The first one contains two integer numbers, integers $ N $ $ (1 \leq N \leq 10^5) $ and $ K $ $ (1 \leq K \leq 10^5) $ – representing number of days in the workout plan and how many grams he can lift before starting his workout plan respectively. The second line contains $ N $ integer numbers $ X[i] $ $ (1 \leq X[i] \leq 10^9) $ separated by a single space representing how many grams Alan wants to lift on day $ i $ . The third line contains one integer number $ A $ $ (1 \leq A \leq 10^9) $ representing permanent performance gains from a single drink. The last line contains $ N $ integer numbers $ C[i] $ $ (1 \leq C[i] \leq 10^9) $ , representing cost of performance booster drink in the gym he visits on day $ i $ .


One integer number representing minimal money spent to finish his workout plan. If he cannot finish his workout plan, output -1.


输入样例 #1

5 10000
10000 30000 30000 40000 20000
5 2 8 3 6

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

5 10000
10000 40000 30000 30000 20000
5 2 8 3 6

输出样例 #2



First example: After buying drinks on days 2 and 4 Alan can finish his workout plan. Second example: Alan cannot lift 40000 grams on day 2.



有n个目标 刚开始有 K 的分数 然后有n个目标,每次都需要达到$a_i$的分数,对于第i次,我可以选取前i个花费中的$c_i$(一个$c_i$只能选一次),并且花费$c_i$的代价提升$A$的分数,求最小的花费使得在$i$时刻,都能达到$a_i$的标准


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