307169: CF1313A. Fast Food Restaurant

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Fast Food Restaurant


## 题目描述 由于Denis工作得很累,他想开家餐厅。 第一天,他做了 $a$ 份饺子,$b$ 份莓果汁和 $c$ 份淋有炼乳的松饼。 Denis餐厅奇怪的地方在于订餐的过程。对于每位客人Denis会自己选**一份套餐**给客人。 Denis选**套餐**的规则是这样的: 1. 每个客人都要至少有一份**食物**(饺子、莓果汁、淋有炼乳的松饼都是食物)。 2. 每个客人**不能收到多于一份饺子**,**不能收到多于一份莓果汁**,**且不能收到多于一份淋有炼乳的松饼**。 3. 每个客人都要有**不一样**的套餐。 Denis**最多**可以为几个客人提供套餐呢? ## 输入格式 第一行,一个整数 $t$$(1 \leq t \leq 500)$。表示你有 $t$ 组测试数据要解决。 剩下的 $t$ 行每行有三个整数 $a$, $b$ 和 $c$,表示Denis做了 $a$ 份饺子,$b$ 份莓果汁和 $c$ $(0 \leq a,b,c \leq 10)$ 份淋有炼乳的松饼。 ## 输出格式 对于每组测试数据,输出一个整数,表示Denis**最多**可以为几个客人提供套餐。


Tired of boring office work, Denis decided to open a fast food restaurant. On the first day he made $ a $ portions of dumplings, $ b $ portions of cranberry juice and $ c $ pancakes with condensed milk. The peculiarity of Denis's restaurant is the procedure of ordering food. For each visitor Denis himself chooses a set of dishes that this visitor will receive. When doing so, Denis is guided by the following rules: - every visitor should receive at least one dish (dumplings, cranberry juice, pancakes with condensed milk are all considered to be dishes); - each visitor should receive no more than one portion of dumplings, no more than one portion of cranberry juice and no more than one pancake with condensed milk; - all visitors should receive different sets of dishes. What is the maximum number of visitors Denis can feed?



The first line contains an integer $ t $ ( $ 1 \le t \le 500 $ ) — the number of test cases to solve. Each of the remaining $ t $ lines contains integers $ a $ , $ b $ and $ c $ ( $ 0 \leq a, b, c \leq 10 $ ) — the number of portions of dumplings, the number of portions of cranberry juice and the number of condensed milk pancakes Denis made.


For each test case print a single integer — the maximum number of visitors Denis can feed.


输入样例 #1

1 2 1
0 0 0
9 1 7
2 2 3
2 3 2
3 2 2
4 4 4

输出样例 #1



In the first test case of the example, Denis can feed the first visitor with dumplings, give the second a portion of cranberry juice, and give the third visitor a portion of cranberry juice and a pancake with a condensed milk. In the second test case of the example, the restaurant Denis is not very promising: he can serve no customers. In the third test case of the example, Denise can serve four visitors. The first guest will receive a full lunch of dumplings, a portion of cranberry juice and a pancake with condensed milk. The second visitor will get only dumplings. The third guest will receive a pancake with condensed milk, and the fourth guest will receive a pancake and a portion of dumplings. Please note that Denis hasn't used all of the prepared products, but is unable to serve more visitors.



## 题目描述 由于Denis工作得很累,他想开家餐厅。 第一天,他做了 $a$ 份饺子,$b$ 份莓果汁和 $c$ 份淋有炼乳的松饼。 Denis餐厅奇怪的地方在于订餐的过程。对于每位客人Denis会自己选**一份套餐**给客人。 Denis选**套餐**的规则是这样的: 1. 每个客人都要至少有一份**食物**(饺子、莓果汁、淋有炼乳的松饼都是食物)。 2. 每个客人**不能收到多于一份饺子**,**不能收到多于一份莓果汁**,**且不能收到多于一份淋有炼乳的松饼**。 3. 每个客人都要有**不一样**的套餐。 Denis**最多**可以为几个客人提供套餐呢? ## 输入格式 第一行,一个整数 $t$$(1 \leq t \leq 500)$。表示你有 $t$ 组测试数据要解决。 剩下的 $t$ 行每行有三个整数 $a$, $b$ 和 $c$,表示Denis做了 $a$ 份饺子,$b$ 份莓果汁和 $c$ $(0 \leq a,b,c \leq 10)$ 份淋有炼乳的松饼。 ## 输出格式 对于每组测试数据,输出一个整数,表示Denis**最多**可以为几个客人提供套餐。


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