307463: CF1359D. Yet Another Yet Another Task

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Yet Another Yet Another Task


**Alice**和**Bob**正在玩另一场卡牌游戏。这次的规则如下: 首先,**Alice**选取一段不为空的连续区间$[l,r],(l\leq r)$,之后**Bob**移去这个区间的一张卡牌$j(l\leq j \leq r)$。这场游戏的得分就是区间剩余卡牌值的总和。特别的,如果**Alice**只选择了一张牌,那么最终的得分就是0. **Alice**想让这个得分足够大,而**Bob**为了让得分足够小,会取出一张这个区间中值最大的牌。现在询问**Alice**应该如何选择这个区间来使得自己的得分在所有情况中最大。输出最大值。


Alice and Bob are playing yet another card game. This time the rules are the following. There are $ n $ cards lying in a row in front of them. The $ i $ -th card has value $ a_i $ . First, Alice chooses a non-empty consecutive segment of cards $ [l; r] $ ( $ l \le r $ ). After that Bob removes a single card $ j $ from that segment $ (l \le j \le r) $ . The score of the game is the total value of the remaining cards on the segment $ (a_l + a_{l + 1} + \dots + a_{j - 1} + a_{j + 1} + \dots + a_{r - 1} + a_r) $ . In particular, if Alice chooses a segment with just one element, then the score after Bob removes the only card is $ 0 $ . Alice wants to make the score as big as possible. Bob takes such a card that the score is as small as possible. What segment should Alice choose so that the score is maximum possible? Output the maximum score.



The first line contains a single integer $ n $ ( $ 1 \le n \le 10^5 $ ) — the number of cards. The second line contains $ n $ integers $ a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n $ ( $ -30 \le a_i \le 30 $ ) — the values on the cards.


Print a single integer — the final score of the game.


输入样例 #1

5 -2 10 -1 4

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

5 2 5 3 -30 -30 6 9

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

-10 6 -15

输出样例 #3



In the first example Alice chooses a segment $ [1;5] $ — the entire row of cards. Bob removes card $ 3 $ with the value $ 10 $ from the segment. Thus, the final score is $ 5 + (-2) + (-1) + 4 = 6 $ . In the second example Alice chooses a segment $ [1;4] $ , so that Bob removes either card $ 1 $ or $ 3 $ with the value $ 5 $ , making the answer $ 5 + 2 + 3 = 10 $ . In the third example Alice can choose any of the segments of length $ 1 $ : $ [1;1] $ , $ [2;2] $ or $ [3;3] $ . Bob removes the only card, so the score is $ 0 $ . If Alice chooses some other segment then the answer will be less than $ 0 $ .



**Alice**和**Bob**正在玩另一场卡牌游戏。这次的规则如下: 首先,**Alice**选取一段不为空的连续区间$[l,r],(l\leq r)$,之后**Bob**移去这个区间的一张卡牌$j(l\leq j \leq r)$。这场游戏的得分就是区间剩余卡牌值的总和。特别的,如果**Alice**只选择了一张牌,那么最终的得分就是0. **Alice**想让这个得分足够大,而**Bob**为了让得分足够小,会取出一张这个区间中值最大的牌。现在询问**Alice**应该如何选择这个区间来使得自己的得分在所有情况中最大。输出最大值。


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