307660: CF1392D. Omkar and Bed Wars

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Omkar and Bed Wars


### 题目描述 现在有 $n$ 个人正在进行Bed War,这 $n$ 个人排列成环状,第 $i$ 个人在第 $i+1$ 个人左边,第 $n$ 个人在第 $1$ 个人左边。 每个人会攻击相邻的一个人,用字母`L`或`R`表示,`L`表示这个人正在攻击左边的人,`R`则是右边。 一个合法的攻击状态满足以下条件: 1. 如果 $a$ 在攻击 $b$,且 $b$ 只受到 $a$ 的攻击时,$b$ 必须攻击 $a$。 2. 如果 $a$ 被旁边两人同时攻击或旁边两人都不攻击他,那么他可以随意选择一个人攻击。 现在给出当前的攻击状态,你可以改变一个人的攻击方向(即`L`改成`R`,或`R`改成`L`),问你至少需要改变多少个人的攻击方向,才能使攻击状态合法。


Omkar is playing his favorite pixelated video game, Bed Wars! In Bed Wars, there are $ n $ players arranged in a circle, so that for all $ j $ such that $ 2 \leq j \leq n $ , player $ j - 1 $ is to the left of the player $ j $ , and player $ j $ is to the right of player $ j - 1 $ . Additionally, player $ n $ is to the left of player $ 1 $ , and player $ 1 $ is to the right of player $ n $ . Currently, each player is attacking either the player to their left or the player to their right. This means that each player is currently being attacked by either $ 0 $ , $ 1 $ , or $ 2 $ other players. A key element of Bed Wars strategy is that if a player is being attacked by exactly $ 1 $ other player, then they should logically attack that player in response. If instead a player is being attacked by $ 0 $ or $ 2 $ other players, then Bed Wars strategy says that the player can logically attack either of the adjacent players. Unfortunately, it might be that some players in this game are not following Bed Wars strategy correctly. Omkar is aware of whom each player is currently attacking, and he can talk to any amount of the $ n $ players in the game to make them instead attack another player — i. e. if they are currently attacking the player to their left, Omkar can convince them to instead attack the player to their right; if they are currently attacking the player to their right, Omkar can convince them to instead attack the player to their left. Omkar would like all players to be acting logically. Calculate the minimum amount of players that Omkar needs to talk to so that after all players he talked to (if any) have changed which player they are attacking, all players are acting logically according to Bed Wars strategy.



Each test contains multiple test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases $ t $ ( $ 1 \le t \le 10^4 $ ). The descriptions of the test cases follows. The first line of each test case contains one integer $ n $ ( $ 3 \leq n \leq 2 \cdot 10^5 $ ) — the amount of players (and therefore beds) in this game of Bed Wars. The second line of each test case contains a string $ s $ of length $ n $ . The $ j $ -th character of $ s $ is equal to L if the $ j $ -th player is attacking the player to their left, and R if the $ j $ -th player is attacking the player to their right. It is guaranteed that the sum of $ n $ over all test cases does not exceed $ 2 \cdot 10^5 $ .


For each test case, output one integer: the minimum number of players Omkar needs to talk to to make it so that all players are acting logically according to Bed Wars strategy. It can be proven that it is always possible for Omkar to achieve this under the given constraints.


输入样例 #1


输出样例 #1



In the first test case, players $ 1 $ and $ 2 $ are attacking each other, and players $ 3 $ and $ 4 $ are attacking each other. Each player is being attacked by exactly $ 1 $ other player, and each player is attacking the player that is attacking them, so all players are already being logical according to Bed Wars strategy and Omkar does not need to talk to any of them, making the answer $ 0 $ . In the second test case, not every player acts logically: for example, player $ 3 $ is attacked only by player $ 2 $ , but doesn't attack him in response. Omkar can talk to player $ 3 $ to convert the attack arrangement to LRLRRL, in which you can see that all players are being logical according to Bed Wars strategy, making the answer $ 1 $ .



### 题目描述 现在有 $n$ 个人正在进行Bed War,这 $n$ 个人排列成环状,第 $i$ 个人在第 $i+1$ 个人左边,第 $n$ 个人在第 $1$ 个人左边。 每个人会攻击相邻的一个人,用字母`L`或`R`表示,`L`表示这个人正在攻击左边的人,`R`则是右边。 一个合法的攻击状态满足以下条件: 1. 如果 $a$ 在攻击 $b$,且 $b$ 只受到 $a$ 的攻击时,$b$ 必须攻击 $a$。 2. 如果 $a$ 被旁边两人同时攻击或旁边两人都不攻击他,那么他可以随意选择一个人攻击。 现在给出当前的攻击状态,你可以改变一个人的攻击方向(即`L`改成`R`,或`R`改成`L`),问你至少需要改变多少个人的攻击方向,才能使攻击状态合法。

