309072: CF1620C. BA-String

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您拥有一个整数 $k$,以及一个由字符 `a` 与字符 `*` 组成的长度为 $n$ 的字符串。 在这其中,每一个星号都**必须**替换成 $0\sim k$ 个字符 `b`,在所有的星号替换完成后,得到的字符串我们称为 `BA-String`。 请您求出给定字符串所转化出的字典序第 $x$ 小的 `BA-String`。 本题采用多组数据,数据组数为 $T$。 $1\leqslant T,n,k\leqslant2000$ $1\leqslant x\leqslant10^{18}$


You are given an integer $ k $ and a string $ s $ that consists only of characters 'a' (a lowercase Latin letter) and '\*' (an asterisk). Each asterisk should be replaced with several (from $ 0 $ to $ k $ inclusive) lowercase Latin letters 'b'. Different asterisk can be replaced with different counts of letter 'b'. The result of the replacement is called a BA-string. Two strings $ a $ and $ b $ are different if they either have different lengths or there exists such a position $ i $ that $ a_i \neq b_i $ . A string $ a $ is lexicographically smaller than a string $ b $ if and only if one of the following holds: - $ a $ is a prefix of $ b $ , but $ a \ne b $ ; - in the first position where $ a $ and $ b $ differ, the string $ a $ has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in $ b $ . Now consider all different BA-strings and find the $ x $ -th lexicographically smallest of them.



The first line contains a single integer $ t $ ( $ 1 \le t \le 2000 $ ) — the number of testcases. The first line of each testcase contains three integers $ n $ , $ k $ and $ x $ ( $ 1 \le n \le 2000 $ ; $ 0 \le k \le 2000 $ ; $ 1 \le x \le 10^{18} $ ). $ n $ is the length of string $ s $ . The second line of each testcase is a string $ s $ . It consists of $ n $ characters, each of them is either 'a' (a lowercase Latin letter) or '\*' (an asterisk). The sum of $ n $ over all testcases doesn't exceed $ 2000 $ . For each testcase $ x $ doesn't exceed the total number of different BA-strings. String $ s $ contains at least one character 'a'.


For each testcase, print a single string, consisting only of characters 'b' and 'a' (lowercase Latin letters) — the $ x $ -th lexicographically smallest BA-string.


输入样例 #1

2 4 3
4 1 3
6 3 20

输出样例 #1



In the first testcase of the example, BA-strings ordered lexicographically are: 1. a 2. ab 3. abb 4. abbb 5. abbbb In the second testcase of the example, BA-strings ordered lexicographically are: 1. aa 2. aba 3. abba Note that string "aba" is only counted once, even though there are two ways to replace asterisks with characters 'b' to get it.



您拥有一个整数 $k$,以及一个由字符 `a` 与字符 `*` 组成的长度为 $n$ 的字符串。 在这其中,每一个星号都**必须**替换成 $0\sim k$ 个字符 `b`,在所有的星号替换完成后,得到的字符串我们称为 `BA-String`。 请您求出给定字符串所转化出的字典序第 $x$ 小的 `BA-String`。 本题采用多组数据,数据组数为 $T$。 $1\leqslant T,n,k\leqslant2000$ $1\leqslant x\leqslant10^{18}$

