310654: CF1866E. Elevators of Tamem

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E. Elevators of Tamemtime limit per test5 secondsmemory limit per test512 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

There is a building named Taman Membeku (shortened as Tamem). The building has $N$ floors numbered from $1$ to $N$ from bottom to top. The only way to move between floors in the building is to use elevators. There are $3$ elevators available in Tamem, namely elevators $1$, $2$, and $3$.

Pak Chanek works as an elevator operator in Tamem. Pak Chanek will work for $Q$ days. Initially, each elevator is in floor $1$ and all elevators are on. On each day, exactly one of the following will happen:

  • 1 x y – There is a person currently in floor $x$ who wants to go to floor $y$. ($1\leq x,y\leq N$; $x\neq y$)
  • 2 p – Elevator $p$ changes state at the start of the day. If previously it is on, then it will turn off. If previously it is off, then it will turn on. ($1\leq p\leq3$)

For each day, Pak Chanek can control the movement of all elevators as he pleases. However, for each day where there is a person currently in floor $x$ who wants to go to floor $y$, among all elevator movements done by Pak Chanek, the following must happen:

  1. One elevator moves to floor $x$.
  2. The person gets into the elevator.
  3. The elevator moves to floor $y$.
  4. The person gets out of the elevator.

For each day, Pak Chanek can only move the elevators that are currently on. Note that, since a change in state happens at the start of the day, this means that an elevator that turns off on some day starts becoming unusable from that day itself. Conversely, an elevator that turns on on some day starts becoming usable from that day itself.

It is known that the electricity fee for each day is different. More specifically, on the $j$-th day, the fee needed to move one elevator up or down by one floor is $A_j$.

From the start, Pak Chanek already knows the electricity fees and the sequence of events that will happen on the $Q$ days, so Pak Chanek can operate the elevators strategically. What is the minimum possible electricity fee to fulfill all needs of the people who want to move between floors in Tamem? Note: in the end, each elevator does not have to go back to floor $1$.


The first line contains two integers $N$ and $Q$ ($2\leq N\leq10^5$; $1\leq Q\leq300$) — the number of floors and the number of days.

The second line contains $Q$ integers $A_1, A_2, A_3 \ldots, A_Q$ ($1 \leq A_j \leq 10^5$) — the electricity fee for each day.

The $j$-th of the next $Q$ lines contains the $j$-th event as described. At any moment, there will always be at least one elevator that is on.


An integer representing the minimum possible electricity fee to fulfill all needs of the people who want to move between floors in Tamem.

9 8
3 4 4 3 4 2 7 6
1 2 7
1 3 9
2 2
1 4 5
1 3 5
2 2
1 7 3
1 2 1

The following is an example of an optimal strategy:

  1. On the $1$-st day:
    • Elevator $2$ moves to floor $3$.
    • Elevator $3$ moves to floor $2$, picks the person up, moves to floor $7$, then drops the person off.
  2. On the $2$-nd day:
    • Elevator $2$ picks the person up, moves to floor $9$, then drops the person off.
  3. On the $3$-rd day:
    • Elevator $2$ turns off.
  4. On the $4$-th day:
    • Elevator $3$ moves to floor $4$, picks the person up, moves to floor $5$, drops the person off, then moves to floor $3$.
  5. On the $5$-th day:
    • Elevator $3$ picks the person up, moves to floor $5$, then drops the person off.
  6. On the $6$-th day:
    • Elevator $2$ turns on.
    • Elevator $1$ moves to floor $2$.
    • Elevator $2$ moves to floor $7$.
  7. On the $7$-th day:
    • Elevator $2$ picks the person up, moves to floor $3$, then drops the person off.
  8. On the $8$-th day:
    • Elevator $1$ picks the person up, moves to floor $1$, then drops the person off.

The total electricity fee for each day from the $1$-st day to the $8$-th day are $24$, $24$, $0$, $18$, $8$, $6$, $28$, and $6$ respectively. Therefore, the total electricity fee for the entire $Q$ days is $24+24+0+18+8+6+28+6=114$.

It can be obtained that there is no strategy that requires a smaller electricity fee.


塔曼Membeku(简称Tamem)的大楼有N层,编号从1到N。大楼内有3部电梯,编号为1、2、3。操作员Pak Chanek将工作Q天。每天,以下两种事件之一会发生:
1. 有一人在x层想要去y层(1≤x,y≤N;x≠y)。
2. 电梯p改变状态(1≤p≤3)。

对于有人员需求的每一天,Pak Chanek需要控制电梯完成以下步骤:
1. 一部电梯移动到x层。
2. 人员进入电梯。
3. 电梯移动到y层。
4. 人员离开电梯。


- 第一行包含两个整数N和Q(2≤N≤10^5; 1≤Q≤300)。
- 第二行包含Q个整数A_1, A_2, ..., A_Q(1≤A_j≤10^5)。
- 接下来的Q行,每行描述一天的事件。

- 一个整数,表示完成所有人员需求所需的最小电费。题目大意: 塔曼Membeku(简称Tamem)的大楼有N层,编号从1到N。大楼内有3部电梯,编号为1、2、3。操作员Pak Chanek将工作Q天。每天,以下两种事件之一会发生: 1. 有一人在x层想要去y层(1≤x,y≤N;x≠y)。 2. 电梯p改变状态(1≤p≤3)。 对于有人员需求的每一天,Pak Chanek需要控制电梯完成以下步骤: 1. 一部电梯移动到x层。 2. 人员进入电梯。 3. 电梯移动到y层。 4. 人员离开电梯。 每天只能移动当天开启的电梯。已知每天的电费不同,第j天移动电梯1层所需的费用为A_j。 输入输出数据格式: 输入: - 第一行包含两个整数N和Q(2≤N≤10^5; 1≤Q≤300)。 - 第二行包含Q个整数A_1, A_2, ..., A_Q(1≤A_j≤10^5)。 - 接下来的Q行,每行描述一天的事件。 输出: - 一个整数,表示完成所有人员需求所需的最小电费。


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