310867: CF1902B. Getting Points

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B. Getting Pointstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Monocarp is a student at Berland State University. Due to recent changes in the Berland education system, Monocarp has to study only one subject — programming.

The academic term consists of $n$ days, and in order not to get expelled, Monocarp has to earn at least $P$ points during those $n$ days. There are two ways to earn points — completing practical tasks and attending lessons. For each practical task Monocarp fulfills, he earns $t$ points, and for each lesson he attends, he earns $l$ points.

Practical tasks are unlocked "each week" as the term goes on: the first task is unlocked on day $1$ (and can be completed on any day from $1$ to $n$), the second task is unlocked on day $8$ (and can be completed on any day from $8$ to $n$), the third task is unlocked on day $15$, and so on.

Every day from $1$ to $n$, there is a lesson which can be attended by Monocarp. And every day, Monocarp chooses whether to study or to rest the whole day. When Monocarp decides to study, he attends a lesson and can complete no more than $2$ tasks, which are already unlocked and not completed yet. If Monocarp rests the whole day, he skips a lesson and ignores tasks.

Monocarp wants to have as many days off as possible, i. e. he wants to maximize the number of days he rests. Help him calculate the maximum number of days he can rest!


The first line contains a single integer $tc$ ($1 \le tc \le 10^4$) — the number of test cases. The description of the test cases follows.

The only line of each test case contains four integers $n$, $P$, $l$ and $t$ ($1 \le n, l, t \le 10^9$; $1 \le P \le 10^{18}$) — the number of days, the minimum total points Monocarp has to earn, the points for attending one lesson and points for completing one task.

It's guaranteed for each test case that it's possible not to be expelled if Monocarp will attend all lessons and will complete all tasks.


For each test, print one integer — the maximum number of days Monocarp can rest without being expelled from University.

1 5 5 2
14 3000000000 1000000000 500000000
100 20 1 10
8 120 10 20
42 280 13 37

In the first test case, the term lasts for $1$ day, so Monocarp should attend at day $1$. Since attending one lesson already gives $5$ points ($5 \ge P$), so it doesn't matter, will Monocarp complete the task or not.

In the second test case, Monocarp can, for example, study at days $8$ and $9$: at day $8$ he will attend a lesson for $10^9$ points and complete two tasks for another $5 \cdot 10^8 + 5 \cdot 10^8$ points. And at day $9$ he only attends a lesson for another $10^9$ points.

In the third test case, Monocarp can, for example, study at day $42$: attending a lesson gives him $1$ point and solving $2$ out of $6$ available tasks gives him another $2 \cdot 10$ points.

In the fourth test case, Monocarp has to attend all lessons and complete all tasks to get $8 \cdot 10 + 2 \cdot 20 = 120$ points.

In the fifth test case, Monocarp can, for example, study at days: $8$ — one lesson and first and second tasks; $15$ — one lesson and the third task; $22$ — one lesson and the fourth task; $29$ — one lesson and the fifth task; $36$ — one lesson and the sixth task.











对于每个测试,打印一个整数——莫诺卡普可以休息而不被大学开除的最大天数。题目大意: 单任务获取积分 莫诺卡普是伯兰国立大学的一名学生。由于伯兰教育体系的最近变化,莫诺卡普只需要学习一门课程——编程。 学期由n天组成,为了不被开除,莫诺卡普在这n天里必须获得至少P点。获得积分有两种方式——完成实践任务和上课。莫诺卡普每完成一个实践任务,他获得t点,每上一节课,他获得l点。 实践任务随着学期的进行“每周”解锁:第一个任务在第一天解锁(可以在1到n天的任何一天完成),第二个任务在第8天解锁(可以在8到n天的任何一天完成),第三个任务在第15天解锁,依此类推。 从1到n的每一天,都有一节课可以由莫诺卡普参加。每一天,莫诺卡普都选择是学习还是休息一整天。当莫诺卡普决定学习时,他会上课并且可以完成不超过2个已经解锁且尚未完成的任务。如果莫诺卡普一整天都在休息,他会翘课并忽略任务。 莫诺卡普想要有尽可能多的休息日,即他想要最大化他休息的天数。帮助他计算他可以休息的最大天数! 输入数据格式: 第一行包含一个整数tc(1≤tc≤10^4)——测试用例的数量。接下来是测试用例的描述。 每个测试用例仅包含一行,有四个整数n、P、l和t(1≤n、l、t≤10^9;1≤P≤10^18)——天数、莫诺卡普必须获得的最低总积分、上课获得的积分和完成一个任务获得的积分。 对于每个测试用例,保证如果莫诺卡普参加所有课程并完成所有任务,那么他不会被开除。 输出数据格式: 对于每个测试,打印一个整数——莫诺卡普可以休息而不被大学开除的最大天数。


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