311249: CF1956A. Nene's Game

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A. Nene's Gametime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Nene invented a new game based on an increasing sequence of integers $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_k$.

In this game, initially $n$ players are lined up in a row. In each of the rounds of this game, the following happens:

  • Nene finds the $a_1$-th, $a_2$-th, $\ldots$, $a_k$-th players in a row. They are kicked out of the game simultaneously. If the $i$-th player in a row should be kicked out, but there are fewer than $i$ players in a row, they are skipped.

Once no one is kicked out of the game in some round, all the players that are still in the game are declared as winners.

For example, consider the game with $a=[3, 5]$ and $n=5$ players. Let the players be named player A, player B, $\ldots$, player E in the order they are lined up initially. Then,

  • Before the first round, players are lined up as ABCDE. Nene finds the $3$-rd and the $5$-th players in a row. These are players C and E. They are kicked out in the first round.
  • Now players are lined up as ABD. Nene finds the $3$-rd and the $5$-th players in a row. The $3$-rd player is player D and there is no $5$-th player in a row. Thus, only player D is kicked out in the second round.
  • In the third round, no one is kicked out of the game, so the game ends after this round.
  • Players A and B are declared as the winners.

Nene has not yet decided how many people would join the game initially. Nene gave you $q$ integers $n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_q$ and you should answer the following question for each $1 \le i \le q$ independently:

  • How many people would be declared as winners if there are $n_i$ players in the game initially?

Each test contains multiple test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases $t$ ($1 \le t \le 250$). The description of test cases follows.

The first line case contains two integers $k$ and $q$ ($1 \le k, q \le 100$) — the length of the sequence $a$ and the number of values $n_i$ you should solve this problem for.

The second line contains $k$ integers $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_k$ ($1\leq a_1<a_2<\ldots<a_k\leq 100$) — the sequence $a$.

The third line contains $q$ integers $n_1,n_2,\ldots,n_q$ ($1\leq n_i \leq 100$).


For each test case, output $q$ integers: the $i$-th ($1\le i \le q$) of them should be the number of players declared as winners if initially $n_i$ players join the game.

2 1
3 5
5 3
2 4 6 7 9
1 3 5
5 4
3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4
2 3
69 96
1 10 100
1 1
3 3
10 20 30
1 10 100
1 1 1 
1 2 2 2 
1 10 68 
1 9 9 

The first test case was explained in the statement.

In the second test case, when $n=1$, the only player stays in the game in the first round. After that, the game ends and the only player is declared as a winner.


Nene发明了一个基于递增整数序列 $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_k$ 的新游戏。游戏开始时,有 $n$ 名玩家排成一行。在游戏的每一轮中,Nene会找到排在第 $a_1$、$a_2$、...、$a_k$ 位置的玩家,并将他们同时踢出游戏。如果应该踢出第 $i$ 个玩家,但排队的人数少于 $i$,则会跳过他们。当在某轮没有玩家被踢出游戏时,所有仍在游戏中的玩家都被宣布为赢家。

每个测试用例包含多个测试。第一行包含测试用例的数量 $t$ ($1 \le t \le 250$)。接下来是每个测试用例的描述。
每个测试用例的第一行包含两个整数 $k$ 和 $q$ ($1 \le k, q \le 100$) —— 序列 $a$ 的长度和需要解决的 $n_i$ 的数量。
第二行包含 $k$ 个整数 $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_k$ ($1 \leq a_1 < a_2 < \ldots < a_k \leq 100$) —— 序列 $a$。
第三行包含 $q$ 个整数 $n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_q$ ($1 \leq n_i \leq 100$)。

对于每个测试用例,输出 $q$ 个整数:如果最初有 $n_i$ 名玩家加入游戏,则第 $i$ 个 ($1 \le i \le q$) 数字是宣布为赢家的玩家数量。题目大意: Nene发明了一个基于递增整数序列 $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_k$ 的新游戏。游戏开始时,有 $n$ 名玩家排成一行。在游戏的每一轮中,Nene会找到排在第 $a_1$、$a_2$、...、$a_k$ 位置的玩家,并将他们同时踢出游戏。如果应该踢出第 $i$ 个玩家,但排队的人数少于 $i$,则会跳过他们。当在某轮没有玩家被踢出游戏时,所有仍在游戏中的玩家都被宣布为赢家。 输入输出数据格式: 每个测试用例包含多个测试。第一行包含测试用例的数量 $t$ ($1 \le t \le 250$)。接下来是每个测试用例的描述。 每个测试用例的第一行包含两个整数 $k$ 和 $q$ ($1 \le k, q \le 100$) —— 序列 $a$ 的长度和需要解决的 $n_i$ 的数量。 第二行包含 $k$ 个整数 $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_k$ ($1 \leq a_1 < a_2 < \ldots < a_k \leq 100$) —— 序列 $a$。 第三行包含 $q$ 个整数 $n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_q$ ($1 \leq n_i \leq 100$)。 对于每个测试用例,输出 $q$ 个整数:如果最初有 $n_i$ 名玩家加入游戏,则第 $i$ 个 ($1 \le i \le q$) 数字是宣布为赢家的玩家数量。


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