401379: GYM100425 H Football Bets

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H. Football Betstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test128 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

While traveling to England, it is impossible not to catch the English passion for football. Almost everyone here is involved in football life: some play, others are watching, and the most risky ones bet on the results.

Before the start of the next season of English Premier League, a certain bookmaker office has launched a new option. In order to participate, players must bet a fixed (same for all) amount of money on one of the N teams participating in the championship. All players who guessed a team that will be the champion get back their owh bets. Additionally, they share equally one half of all bets made on the other teams.

During this event, at least one player made a bet, each player made exactly one bet on some of the teams, no teams received more than K bets, and at the end of the tournament, the bookmaker's office reported a profit of exactly P percent of the total amount of bets.

Find any distribution of bets between teams which satisfies the above requirements, or determine that no such distribution exists.


The input contains one line with three integers N, K and P: the number of teams in the football tournament, the maximum possible number of bets on the one team and the profit reported by the bookmaker's office (2 ≤ N ≤ 100, 1 ≤ K ≤ 100, 0 ≤ P ≤ 100).


If no distribution satisfying the requirements exists, print 0 on a separate line.

Otherwise, on the first line, print one integer W: the number of the winning team (1 ≤ W ≤ N). The second line must contain N integers A1, A2, ..., AN where Ai is the number of bets on i-th team (0 ≤ Ai ≤ K). Note that the team order is arbitrary, but the number of winning team must fit this order. If there are several solutions, print any one of them.

4 100 10
10 80 5 5
2 4 40
1 4
5 10 23


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