401943: GYM100589 K Police Catching Thief

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K. Police Catching Thieftime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test512 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

A thief is trying to escape the holds of the police through a city. Let’s assume we represent our city by a weighted undirected connected graph(with no self-loops and multi-edges) with N nodes and M edges.

Thief is currently at vertex numbered S and needs to reach vertex numbered D. Thief moves with constant speed VT = 1.

K policemen are initially located in K distinct locations denoted by A1, A2, ..., AK. Each policeman has a constant speed of VP = 1.

To help policemen, a single power booster have been provided to them. This power booster can be availed once from any one of the Q distinct ‘special’ nodes B1, B2, ..., BQ. Property of this power booster being that it doubles the speed of the policeman who avails this power booster.

Note: A policeman can choose not to avail the power booster even if he is at a ‘special’ node.

You have to print the shortest time in which thief can escape the police regardless of whatever path the police might take. If he can’t reach the destination, output  - 1.


First line contains N and M, the number of nodes and number of edges respectively.

Each of the next M lines contain integers u v and w denoting an undirected edge between nodes numbered u and v, w being the weight of the edge. Next line contains a single integer K denoting number of different policemen. Next line contains K space separated integers denoting the distinct locations A1, A2, ..., AK.

Next line contains a single integer Q denoting number of ‘special’ nodes. Next line contains Q distinct space separated integers denoting the locations B1, B2, ..., BQ.

Next line contains two distinct integers S and D denoting the source and destination of the thief.


For each test case print the minimum time required for thief to escape(if possible). Else, output  - 1.


  • 1  ≤  N  ≤  105
  • M  ≤  min(2 * 105, N * (N - 1) / 2)
  • 0  ≤  u, v, S, D, Ai, Bi < N
  • 0  ≤  Y  ≤  109
  • 1  ≤  X, u, v  ≤  N
  • 0  ≤  K, Q  ≤  N
  • 1  ≤  w  ≤  109
4 4
0 1 2
1 2 4
2 3 10
3 0 2
2 1
4 3
0 1 2
1 2 8
1 3 10
2 3
2 3
0 1


Police takes the path 3 to 0 to 1 availing the power booster at node 0. Even though both policeman and thief reach the destination at same time, police catches thief.


Whichever policeman uses the power booster, thief will be able to escape in 2 seconds.


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