403104: GYM101005 G Segments
You are given N segments in the xOy plane. Find the shortest closed broken line that contains all the given segments. A closed broken line is defined as a series of segments A[1] - A[2], A[2] - A[3] ... A[K - 1] - A[K], A[K] - A[1], where A is an array of points on the plane. The line can intersect itself.
InputThe first line contains T, the number of tests to follow. Then T tests follow. For each test, the first line contains an integer N(), followed by N lines, each describing a line segment by giving 4 real numbers, the x and y coordinates of the first end of the segment, and then the x and y coordinates of the second end of the segment.
OutputYour output file should contain T real numbers, representing the minimum length of the shortest closed broken line containing all the line segments. Your output should have a precision of 1.e - 6.
1 1 1 2
1 1 2 2
-931.693980 781.297764 -767.512077 1305.542158
933.100984 -166.303237 1225.734021 -125.170151
320.771418 -163.911119 -148.087080 -332.428961