403532: GYM101191 E Interval divisibility

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E. Interval divisibilitytime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test64 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Peter has been interested in puzzles since childhood. As such, he attends a fan club of interesting mathematical problems at school. One of the recent classes was dedicated to the divisors of natural numbers. The topics covered there were not enough to Peter; therefore, he decided to invent something more interesting and challenging himself.

Let us call «divisibility» a number of divisors for a given positive integer N and denote this function D(N). For example, for 12 «divisibility» is 6. Now Peter tries to learn how to calculate a sum for an interval of positive integers from L to R denoted by Peter as «interval divisibility». Finally, Peter would like to develop a program that allows you to calculate «interval divisibility» for a random interval. Help him please.


There are two integers L and R in the line of the input. You need to find the «interval divisibility» for the interval boundaries specified above. (1 ≤ L ≤ R ≤ 1012).


Output the only number to the only line. It will be «interval divisibility» for the adjusted interval modulo 109 + 7.

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