403863: GYM101343 E Abdalrahman Ali Bugs
Abdalrahman Ali is one of the best ACMers in JUST, after the last contest he got a lot of simple bugs. So he decided to train him self to be more careful in writing solutions, he started to play simple games to make his mind more trained to write correct and perfect codes without bugs.
The first simple game he plays was as following; the game gives Abdalrahman a string S consisting of lowercase English letters. He has to find X such that it will result the minimal cost of the string.
He can find the cost of string S by applying this equation:
Abdulrahman already found the solution, Can you find it now?
InputThe only line of input contains a string S of length between 1 and 105 consisting of lowercase English letters.
OutputPrint X the solution of the problem which will produce the minimal cost of string S. If there are multiple valid solutions, print the minimal one.