405370: GYM101917 C Basic Encryption

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C. Basic Encryptiontime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Diego is trying to send a private message to someone, but this message is going to be publicly sent, because of this he needs a way to encrypt it. Usually he would use a secure algorithm, for example RSA, but this time around he is going to encrypt the message in such a way that it doesn't matter if the receiver has a computer or not, she can decrypt the message. You are an internationally renowned hacker and because of that you are going to intercept Diego's messages and need a way to decrypt them, but doing it by hand is a hassle, so you will write a program that does this for you. Diego encrypts in the following way, he has an integer S ($$$1<=S<=10^{9}$$$). He then increases the value of each letter by S. The value of each letter is established in the following manner: a is worth 0, b is worth 1, …, z is worth 25. The letter that goes after z is a. Keep in mind that lower and upper case letters have the same value, and when encrypted they should stay as either capital or lower case letters, depending on what the letter was. Also, any character that is not alphabetic doesn't get affected by S and stays the same.


Two integers, N ($$$1<=N<=10^{3}$$$), the amount of lines, and S ($$$1<=S<=10^{9}$$$), each line contains the encrypted message Diego sent to his contact. Keep in mind that each line will contains alphabetic characters (both upper and lowercase), digits, spaces and punctuation marks. You are guaranteed that the sum of the lengths of all lines doesn't exceed $$$10^{3}$$$.


For each case print a single line containing the decrypted string.

3 15
Ta eapc thip hpaxtcsd st prjtgsd p ad eapctpsd.
Tc 24 wdgph edsgtbdh strxg fjt ta eapc ujt jc tmxid.
El plan esta saliendo de acuerdo a lo planeado.
En 24 horas podremos decir que el plan fue un exito.



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