405756: GYM102059 F Fake Plastic Trees

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F. Fake Plastic Treestime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test1024 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Tree is a recursive structure, which is either:

  • Empty. Empty tree is denoted as $$$-1$$$ and has a size of 0.
  • Non-empty. Non-empty tree $$$T$$$ is denoted as a pair of two trees $$$(T_1, T_2)$$$, where $$$T_1$$$ is called left subtree of $$$T$$$, and $$$T_2$$$ is called right subtree of $$$T$$$. If $$$T = (-1, -1)$$$, then we call such $$$T$$$ a leaf. Leaf has a size of 1, and non-leaf has a size of $$$|T_1| + |T_2|$$$, where $$$|T_1|$$$ is the size of $$$T_1$$$, and $$$|T_2|$$$ is the size of $$$T_2$$$.

A non-empty tree $$$T$$$ is a Fake Plastic Tree, if the tree is balanced. Formally, Let $$$T = (T_1, T_2)$$$. If $$$|T_1| = |T_2|$$$ or $$$|T_1| = |T_2| + 1$$$ holds, then $$$T$$$ is a Fake Plastic Tree.

In computer science, trees are commonly used as a data structure, and they are stored in a memory. At first, there are no trees in the memory, and only an imaginary null pointer exists (which corresponds to empty tree, $$$-1$$$). You can allocate a tree in the memory, by setting $$$T_1$$$ and $$$T_2$$$ as either a null pointer or a pointer of an existing tree. Then, the memory is extended by adding $$$T = (T_1, T_2)$$$ into its structure. Note that pointer can be described as a small integer, reducing the need for explicitly storing the whole tree.

Formally, memory $$$M$$$ is an inductive structure, which at first contains only empty tree $$$-1$$$. ($$$M = \{-1\}$$$). You can expand the memory with following operation $$$M \leftarrow M \cup \{(T_1, T_2)\}$$$, where $$$T_1 \in M, T_2 \in M$$$. If a tree $$$T$$$ is inserted in $$$i$$$-th stage, then it has the index $$$i-1$$$. For a tree with index $$$i$$$, their subtrees can be represented as a pair of integer in range $$$[-1, i-1]$$$.

Your task is to construct a memory $$$M$$$, which satisfies the following :

  • Every tree in $$$M$$$ is either empty or Fake Plastic Tree.
  • $$$M$$$ has at most 125 non-empty trees.
  • There exists a tree $$$T \in M$$$, where $$$|T| = N$$$ holds. $$$N$$$ is an integer, and is given as an input.

The first line contains a single integer $$$T$$$, the number of test cases. ($$$1 \leq T \leq 2000$$$)

In the next $$$T$$$ lines, a single integer $$$N$$$ is given, which indicates the number of leaves your tree should contain. ($$$1 \leq N \leq 10^{18}$$$)


For each case, you should print $$$V + 2$$$ lines, where $$$V$$$ is the number of non-empty trees in $$$M$$$. ($$$1 \leq V \leq 125$$$).

In the first line, you should print single integer $$$V$$$.

In the next $$$V$$$ lines, you should print two space-separated integer $$$L_i, R_i$$$, which indicates the index of left subtree and right subtree for a tree with index $$$i$$$. ($$$-1 \leq L_i, R_i \leq i - 1$$$).

In the $$$V+2$$$-th line, you should print $$$P$$$, the index of the tree which contains $$$N$$$ nodes. ($$$0 \leq P \leq V-1$$$).

It is guaranteed that an answer always exists under the given condition.

-1 -1
-1 -1
-1 -1
0 1
-1 -1
0 0
1 0
-1 -1
0 0
0 0
2 1
1 2


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