405919: GYM102156 J The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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J. The Good, the Bad and the Uglytime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test512 mebibytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

This problem was supposed to have a nice long legend about the Wild Wild West, but the author did not manage to write it in time, so use the power of your imagination!

Consider a number line. A player initially stands at the position $$$x = p$$$. At the beginning of each round, you can say either "+" or "-". After that, the player changes position according to what you said. More precisely, if you say $$$t$$$ and the player stood at position $$$x$$$, then he moves to position $$$x' = x + d_t$$$, where $$$d_+$$$ and $$$d_-$$$ are two integer constants.

You do not know the exact values $$$p$$$, $$$d_0$$$ and $$$d_1$$$, but you know that the player is either the Good, the Bad or the Ugly (yeah, imagination!):

  • The Good player has $$$p = m$$$, $$$d_+ = 2$$$, $$$d_- = -1$$$;
  • The Bad player has $$$p = -m$$$, $$$d_+ = 1$$$, $$$d_- = -2$$$;
  • The Ugly player has either $$$p = m$$$ or $$$p = -m$$$ and either $$$d_+ = 1$$$ and $$$d_- = -1$$$ or $$$d_+ = -1$$$ and $$$d_- = 1$$$.

As you can see, the starting position of the player depends on some integer constant $$$m$$$ ($$$1 \le m \le 1000$$$)... unfortunately, you do not know it too.

After each round, the player tells you if he now stands at $$$x = 0$$$ or not.

It appears that, by playing several rounds, you can uniquely determine if the player is Good, Bad or Ugly. Do it in no more than $$$30 m$$$ rounds.

In each test, the values $$$m$$$, $$$p$$$, $$$d_+$$$ and $$$d_-$$$ are chosen according to the above rules. They are fixed in advance and don't change during the checking process.


This is an interactive problem.

If you want to play a round, print either "+" or "-" on a separate line. In response, you will get a line containing either $$$1$$$ if the player arrived at position $$$x = 0$$$, or $$$0$$$ if the player stands somewhere else.

If you are ready to guess the type of the player, print a line containing the character "!", a space and one of the words "good", "bad" or "ugly". After that, your program must terminate.

If after playing $$$30 m$$$ rounds you do not provide the answer, your solution will get a "Wrong Answer" outcome.

To prevent output buffering, flush the output buffer after each printed line: this can be done by using, for example, fflush (stdout) in C or C++, System.out.flush () in Java, flush (output) in Pascal, or sys.stdout.flush () in Python.





! good


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