406634: GYM102465 J Mona Lisa

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J. Mona Lisatime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output
The Louvre museum hosts one of the most famous paintings ever made: Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century.

The painting is enclosed in a rock-solid glass chamber that can only be opened with 4 secret codes that need to be entered on 4 different keypads. The head of the museum thinks that this system is unbreakable, and your task is to prove her wrong.

To help you, a friend reverse-engineered the system. When a code (represented by a positive integer $$$C$$$) is entered on a keypad, the keypad sends the $$$C$$$-th value produced by a random number generator to a central computer. The central computer only considers the N least significant bits of the 4 pseudo-random values it receives from the 4 keypads. It computes their bitwise XOR (exclusive or) and opens the glass chamber if the result is 0. The pseudo-random number generator is described at the end of the problem statement.

Another friend found the pseudo-random seeds used by each keypad. With all this information, you think that you can retrieve the 4 secret codes unlocking Mona Lisa.


The input comprises two lines, each consisting of integers separated with single spaces:

  • The first line contains the integer $$$N$$$.
  • The second line contains the four integer seeds.


  • $$$1 \le N \le 50$$$;
  • each seed is between $$$0$$$ and $$$2^{64} - 1$$$.

The output should consist of a single line, whose content is 4 integers, the 4 secret codes, separated with single spaces. Each code must be less than $$$100000000$$$. It is guaranteed that at least one solution will exist. Multiple solutions may exist, in which case they will all be accepted.

3641603982383516983 445363681616962640 868196408185819179 1980241222855773941
287 17609 122886 59914

Pseudo-Random Generator The pseudo-random generator is described next in each programming language. You can expect that this pseudo-random generator is not biased in any way.


typedef unsigned long long uint64;
uint64 state[2] = { seed, seed ^ 0x7263d9bd8409f526 };
uint64 xoroshiro128plus(uint64 s[2]) {
uint64 s0 = s[0];
uint64 s1 = s[1];
uint64 result = s0 + s1;
s1 ^= s0;
s[0] = ((s0 « 55) | (s0 » 9)) ^ s1 ^ (s1 « 14);
s[1] = (s1 « 36) | (s1 » 28);
return result;
The i-th value of the pseudo-random sequence is the result of the i-th application of xoroshiro128plus on 'state'.


long[] state = { seed, seed ^ 0x7263d9bd8409f526L };
long xoroshiro128plus(long[] s) {
long s0 = s[0];
long s1 = s[1];
long result = s0 + s1;
s1 ^= s0;
s[0] = ((s0 « 55) | (s0 »> 9)) ^ s1 ^ (s1 « 14);
s[1] = (s1 « 36) | (s1 »> 28);
return result;

The i-th value of the pseudo-random sequence is the result of the i-th application of xoroshiro128plus on 'state'.

Python 2 / Python 3

state = [seed, seed ^ 0x7263d9bd8409f526]
def xoroshiro128plus(s):
s0, s1 = s
result = (s0 + s1) % 2**64
s1 ^= s0;
new_state = [(((s0 « 55) | (s0 » 9)) ^ s1 ^ (s1 « 14)) % 2**64,
((s1 « 36) | (s1 » 28)) % 2**64]
return result, new_state
The following loop yields the pseudo-random sequence starting from its first value:

while True:
result, state = xoroshiro128plus(state)
yield result


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